My Fishing Report For a few years now Ive heard you can catch - TopicsExpress


My Fishing Report For a few years now Ive heard you can catch Mulloway in the Swan and regularly seen some photos to prove it. Everything sounded awesome except the amount of hours people had to put in to get one (and how many people havent yet got one at all). Im also predominantly a lure over bait fisho and trying to get one on a lure could take even longer. A few weeks ago I decided to finally give it a crack for the first time ever so called a few mates, bought some mulies and made our way to a spot Id heard could be a chance but wasnt as popular as the Narrows. Knowing we could literally be sitting there for hours for nothing, we brought some snacks and outdoor chairs and I figured if worse comes to worst, wed just sit around and chat. The thought came to me that some people really love to catch up over coffee, Id rather catch up over a chance of a mulloway! Went down for a few hours and after nothing happening all of a sudden my mate was on! Excitement levels were high but quickly extinguished when we saw Mr Eagle Ray rise to the surface. Packed up about 10:30 with no more hits but with a vow to return. We went back last Thursday for our 2nd night of sitting and chatting and maybe catching! Decided on the narrows this time but our baits were just getting demolished by pickers so at 9:30 with only 6 mulies left the call was made to head to the jetty wed fished the week before. Not long after arriving my mate had a short but powerful run which dropped the hooks but otherwise it was a non event. The wind was freezing cold and we decided about 11 wed soon head off home. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that often Mulloway could just be cruising around pylons so before we left I said lets just drop our baits right next to the jetty and see what happens.. We continued chatting and a few mins later there was a *tap* *tap* on my life then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I was on! Whatever it was was big and going very hard...then everything went slack. NO! I thought it was off..but then after winding in a bit, the rod loaded up and I was still on. It must have just quickly turned in the current or something... ahhh nervous moments! All this while I was thinking it was likely another eagle ray but something in me was also clinging to the fact it was a fish. I could feel what I thougth were head shakes but I know that the wings of a ray or tail can resemble that too..It didnt matter what it was unless I got it in. After about 5 minutes it was near the jetty and finally it surfaced almost in slow motion...... ITS A FISH!!! It was a big mulloway!! Unbelievable!!! We were very shocked, our plan had somehow worked! After some very tense moments trying to walk it to the platform to get it up on the jetty and it getting too close to the barnacle-riddled pylons, the fish was landed! A big high 5 was exchanged and team morale was at an all time high! First ever Swan Mulloway which went 17kg and was landed on snelled half mulie using 15lb braid/40lb leader with 7 5-10kg T-Curve Rod. Couldnt stop smiling the whole way home knowing that, having only put in about 5 hours of fishing, Id beaten the odds in a big way. Something tells me the next one may take a while.. Cheers for reading.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:11:08 +0000

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