My Five Promises to Mississippi: 1. Repealing and Replacing - TopicsExpress


My Five Promises to Mississippi: 1. Repealing and Replacing Obamacare Obamacare is crippling our economy. It has to go, and should be replaced by common sense, market-based policies like inter-state insurance portability, individual tax incentives, and tort reform. 2. Term-limit Legislation In order to eliminate the permanent political class entrenched in Washington, D.C., Chris will push for a constitutional amendment for term limits (12 years in Senate, 6 years in House) 3. Dealing with National Debt, Deficits and Spending The greatest threat to our nation is our $17 trillion national debt and Washington’s out-of-control spending. If we do not get our financial house in order, our freedom, economy and way of life will not last. Chris will sign-on to a balanced budget amendment to force Washington to live within its means just like the people of Mississippi do every day, and vote for a permanent ban on earmarks. 4. Family and Business Tax Reform Chris believes that for our economy and communities to thrive and succeed we must remove the oppressive tax penalties assessed on our nation’s economic drivers—families, businesses, and entrepreneurs. Chris will fight to eliminate the marriage and parent tax penalties and to repeal the death tax. These three sets of taxes are unfair and hurt hard-working Mississippi families. He will also work to reduce our highest-in- the-world corporate tax rate to encourage economic investment and spur job-growth. 5. Anti-Cronyism and Free Market legislation Senator McDaniel knows that the best way to improve the economy and create real jobs is to get government out of the way. The government should not be picking winners and loser in the marketplace nor should it be placing unnecessary regulatory burdens on businesses. Chris will fight to end corporate welfare, including bailouts, carve-outs and handouts to special interests. Americans deserve nothing less than an all-out assault on crony capitalism manifested in wasteful bailouts like those for Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and those for insurance companies to protect them from obamacare.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 19:19:47 +0000

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