My Freshly Juiced Wheatgrass With Omega Juicer J8228 HDC:- - TopicsExpress


My Freshly Juiced Wheatgrass With Omega Juicer J8228 HDC:- Feeling The Goodness When Drinking It Freshly Right From The Juicer!. ^_^ "Wheatgrass is not the most-loved super-food on the planet, mainly because not a lot of people like how it tastes, but the health benefits of wheatgrass surpass most other super-foods". Nutritional information:- Wheatgrass contains a number of minerals and vitamins which are rarely found together in just one food. Just one glass of wheatgrass juice provides the same amount of nutrition as 1 whole kilogram of green, leafy vegetables, so you can just imagine how potent this super-food is. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals in wheatgrass. •Vitamin A •Vitamin B12 •Vitamin C • Vitamin K • Sodium • Potassium • Selenium • Calcium • Iron • Magnesium • Iodine • Beta-carotene • Phosphorous Wheatgrass has some unique properties which render it an absolute miracle when it comes to healing the body. Even mainstream doctors who are wary of alternative or herbal therapies will attest to the powers of wheatgrass because it is backed by science. - Purifies The Blood: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass has the same structure as that of human blood. So by imbibing wheatgrass, you can increases your red blood cell count and purify your blood in the bargain. Wheatgrass is even potent enough to cure disorders of the blood such as thalassemia. - Detoxifies The Body: Widespread pollution and general unhealthy eating habits cause our bodily systems to get loaded with toxicity. It’s difficult to be healthy when your organs are saturated with toxic junk. It can lead to anything from mild discomfort to full-on disease. One of the main health benefits of wheatgrass is that it can, over time, detoxify the body. This means that your organs will work more efficiently and you’ll be in better health than ever. - Boosts Immunity: The detoxification is one of the things that gets your immune system to work better. The high mineral, vitamin and amino acid content of wheatgrass is the other factor that promotes the health of the immune system. Advocates of wheatgrass claim that they have not had to see a doctor ever since they started taking wheatgrass as they never fall sick. - Improves Metabolism: Another advantage of the detox is that it cleans out your digestive system which in turn improves your metabolism. This will allow your body to gain better nutrition from the food you eat as well as aid your efforts at weight loss. - Good For Your Skin & Hair: As any beauty knows, good health equals good skin and hair. Wheatgrass is a fantastic cleanser and can be used as a face mask. The skin absorbs the wheatgrass, rejuvenating skin cells and slowing down aging. But that’s not all. Wheatgrass also slows down greying of hair and can increase hair volume over time too. - Regulates Hormonal Production - Regulates Blood Sugar - May Prevent Cancer: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is thought to be potent enough to fight against carcinogens by preventing the absorption of these cancer-causing substances. Research has shown that those who drink fresh wheatgrass juice regularly have a lower risk of developing cancer
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 04:56:37 +0000

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