My Friend, Victoria Ohaeri submission on the Nigeria Islamist - TopicsExpress


My Friend, Victoria Ohaeri submission on the Nigeria Islamist Insurgent group called Boko Haram; though funny bt sound pretty intersting pls read So, another bomb went off in Yobe killing 40 innocent school children on the eve of a political party’s convention? Nyanya bomb blasts? Pre-Centenary Day bomb blasts? Pre-PDP Kano convention bomb blasts? Do they seriously want us to believe its a mere coincidence that bombs and tragic killings always precede political and national events that President Jonathan has scheduled to attend in person? The masterminds of these constant attacks on innocent citizens actually think we have no brains. Yes, Jonathan’s leadership is unashamedly lower than low itself, but it is so so so so easy to deduce that some group(s) are taking advantage of Jona’s indiscretion and leadership weaknesses to score cheap political points, causing great human suffering in the process. Deliberately shedding innocent blood in the wake of national events to make Jona’s attendance in those events look awfully irresponsible, is beginning to look like a grand design. SHAME!!! My instincts hardly fail me. I have come to realize that Boko Haram (BH) has 3 major divisions. Two of the divisions are controlled by the two major political parties in Nigeria, while Shekau controls the 3rd division. Yes, I am alleging that political parties constitute and maintain well-resourced militia wings. These three BH divisions operate independently from each other, and all of them attribute their atrocities to Shekau, who of course, doesn’t give a damn. Party A’s BH strategy is to launch brutal (terrorist) attacks on opposition states, to either cow their governors into submission, or to inject so much anarchy in those states as would lead to the declaration of a state of emergency (SOE). Their goal is to use SOE declaration to ease out the “obstinate governor” and then, install their own stooge. Party B’s BH strategy is to use ruthless bombing operations and massacres to expose the leadership deficits that abound, thereby, increasing public opprobrium and social pressure to demand for change. Shekau-led Islamic division is operating freely without restraint. He continues to gain control of more territories while the other two divisions viciously battle each other. When they announced a ceasefire recently, what actually happened was that Party A called the militia wing of their party to order. Party A’s BH division complied fully. However, that order was not binding on the other BH divisions, so they brazenly flouted it by increasing the scale and intensity of the abductions, shootings, and bombing operations. Truth is that Party A and Party B can tell us more about every bombing incident that has happened outside of the North East. Shekau is ostensibly content operating only in the NE. Nigeria’s biggest headache right now isn’t the Shekau- led terrorist activities, but the politically-motivated massacres. There seems to be no projection of its end in sight. My grouse is that the poor and their children are the sacrificial lambs traded off in this costly wrestle for political power. Have you ever wondered why the “prestigious private schools” for the rich kids, including those in the North East have NEVER EVER been attacked? Have you ever wondered why none of the multi-billion Naira investments owned by politicians have never ever been torched? What this means is that, as politicians battle each other, they also protect their mutual interests – their properties, investments and families. It is the citizens that are expendable, whose blood they use to oil the wheels of their political ambitions. Why haven’t citizens decoded who the real enemy in the house is? Is it so difficult to see the handwriting on the wall? Its time to think! Deeply too!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:20:45 +0000

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