My Friends! - Is there any greater service that a citizen can - TopicsExpress


My Friends! - Is there any greater service that a citizen can perform for their country then to serve in the military and risk their lives for their fellow countrymen? I dont believe so. No politician in office today performs a greater service, thats for sure. Politicians enjoy very generous perks at the expense of taxpayers, while those in the military often risk their lives for them to keep those perks. I am appalled at some of the stories and articles I read about how our war veterans are treated by our government. It is shameful! It appears they have to fight for everything they deserve before they get it. This article about the recent closures of the memorials for ABSOLUTELY POLITICAL REASONS, from the Washington Times really sums it all up. I have copied and pasted a quote from an 88 year old WW II veteran that typifies the treatment so may of our veterans receive, even when trying to obtain their basic needs. Please read and weigh in if you choose. I want to thank all of you who fought for your country, my country, my family and friends. Know that the vast majority of Americans appreciate all you have done for us. Be very blessed! - M THE ARTICLE: Is the Obama Administration worthy of the veterans’ service? This is best answered by one of America’s finest representatives. This October, a regional NBC News affiliate caught up with 88-year-old Merwin Cowles who fought as a U.S. Marine during World War II. He had been privileged to see the World War II Memorial in May of this year - pre shenanigans. He may have expressed in words what many other vets have felt: “It’s an experience that I don’t really know how to explain. The tears roll down and your heart will start pumping a little bit to think ‘ok I’ve got buddies here. I don’t see ‘em, but I feel ‘em,’” explained Cowles. Regarding the Administration’s closure of the memorials, Cowles said, “I think it’s the most dishonorable thing they ever could do for us. Without us veterans working like that there would be no America.” Enough said. God Bless America’s Veterans. Read more: communities.washingtontimes/neighborhood/focus-freedom/2013/nov/11/obama-administration-worthy-american-veterans/#ixzz2kLvz9Rrx Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:07:20 +0000

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