My Friends, PLEASE take the time to read! I am so glad to be home. - TopicsExpress


My Friends, PLEASE take the time to read! I am so glad to be home. I am very tired and weak but thankful to be here. After the first heart attack I was so focused on getting back to work that I was not focusing on my health. I was pushing myself too hard and now I know it. From personal exercise to household tasks to cardiac rehab I was pushing myself too hard in all areas. Just last week I prayed for Gods direction and will, because I felt guilty for applying for temporary welfare assistance and Social Security Disability. I asked Him to manifest His will in my life and now I take this second smaller heart attack as that answer. I am going to focus upon my health and family now. If recovery and working is someday in His will then it will happen but for now my focus is on staying alive to raise my sons. This week will be full of lots of medical testing starting with an appointment tomorrow that will last 4 to 6 hours. Later in the week there are many other tests including a Venous Doppler Scan. This second heart attack was caused by a plaque buildup in my artery rupturing and blocking another major artery. The scan will determine other areas/arteries that may need cleared out before they cause another heart attack. I am very thankful to have three great cardiologists working on my health. This time I will follow their direction 100%! They tell me I cannot lift more than 5 pounds and I should only walk about 100 yards at a time maximum. That is a big step back from 25-50 pounds and walking as much as 3 miles at a time. I will take it in stride though. I believe God still has work for me to do and I will continue to place my faith and trust in Him. Even if my life should end sooner than I wish my life has been full and blessed. I am thankful to God for the many blessings he has poured out on me and I know I have a home with Him when He calls me there. I am blessed and do not fear death but I hope to live at least a few more years so that I can finish raising my sons. Thank you all for reading and may God continue to bless you today and everyday. I love you all!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:25:00 +0000

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