My General has tested me. My General is testing me, and my - TopicsExpress


My General has tested me. My General is testing me, and my General will test me, by trial, adversity, and fire. This is all part of my life as a soldier. By His grace I will not look back. Jesus said, “He that takes the plow and turns back is not worthy of the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62. Neither will I let up, because my General has told me to forget the past. I’m to press toward the mark, so I’m not going to let up. I’m not going to slow down, because my General has given me strict instructions that in the days in which I’m living I am to step fast and redeem the time, because the days are evil. I’m not going to back away, because my General has told me to go forward. I’m not going to quit, because my General has told me that I should preach what He has given me from the housetop, so all men will hear. I was not drafted. I’m a volunteer in the army. I have voluntarily enlisted, and I have enlisted for eternity. By the grace of God, I will never retire; I will never be absent without leave. I will never fail to show up for duty when my General calls. My General, Jesus Christ, is to me the chiefest of ten thousand. He is to me the Rose of Sharon; the One who is all together lovely. He’s the Lover of my soul. He’s my life and my salvation; He’s my Lord and my kin; He’s the bright and morning Star, from Bethlehem. He is my Shepherd, and He is the Almighty, the Prince of Peace in whom I live and move and have my being. ~Join in the fight, be a Soldier For Jesus~
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:24:15 +0000

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