My God, My God why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from - TopicsExpress


My God, My God why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me and from the words of my groaning? O my God I cry in the daytime but YOU do not hear. and in the night season am not silent. But You are holy enthroned in the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in you; They trusted and YOU delivered them. They cried to you and were delivered. They trusted in YOU and were not ashamed. BUT I AM A WORM AND NO MAN A REPROACH OF MEN AND DESPISED BY THE PEOPLE. ALL THOSE WHO SEE ME RIDICULE ME . THEY SHAKE THEY SHOOT OUT THE LIP, THEY SHAKE THEIR HEAD SAYING; HE TRUSTED IN THE LORD, LET HIM RESCUE HIM. LET HIM DELIVER HIM SINCE HE DELIGHTS IN HIM. I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it has melted within me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd and my tongue clings to my jaws. YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME TO THE DUST OF THE EARTH. DOGS HAVE SURROUNDED ME. THE CONGREGATION OF THE WICKED HAS ENCLOSED ME. THEY PIERCE MY HANDS AND MY FEET. I CAN COUNT ALL MY BONES. THEY LOOK AND STARE AT ME. SAVE ME FROM THE LIONS MOUTH FOR HE HAS NOT DESPISED NOR ABHORRED THE AFFLICTION OF THE AFFLICTED. COMMENTARY: Several times throughout the scripture individual men say the same things over and over again. In the minds of those who live in darkness this is thought to be prophesy of the coming of Jesus and it is. However we must remember and not forget that Jesus is quoted as saying in John 14:12...ALL THESE THINGS I HAVE DONE, YOU WILL DO AND EVEN GREATER THINGS. Now we know in the testimonies of those recorded in scripture that the things which happened to Jesus are common to all men who were called by God. THEY KILLED THE PROPHETS AND HATED THEM AS THEY HATED JESUS and Jesus told his disciples, THEY WILL HATE YOU ALSO. Now you are told by those who run the churches of today; TRUST IN GOD AND THIS IS A TRUE STATEMENT BUT A MAN IS REWARDED FOR HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS. THAT IS TO SAY REWARDED FOR OFFERING ONES BODY AS A LIVING SACRIFICE IN THE TIME THE TRUTH OF GOD CAN BE FOUND. FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS ONLY COMES TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN FULLY ASSURED OF THE TRUTH OF GOD THROUGH THE REVELATIONS OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT WHICH UNCOVERS THE UNSEEN THINGS OF WHICH ALL THINGS SEEN ARE MADE. THIS IS THE GREAT REWARD OF GOD ACKNOWLEDGING THE ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR OFFERING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH IS THE STATE OF MIND THAT IS SINLESS AND BLAMELESS. EVEN PAUL THE APOSTLE WRITES; I WAS TAKEN TO THE HOUSE OF JUDAS ON THE STREET CALLED STRAIGHT WHERE I LEARNED WHAT I MUST SUFFER/ENDURE FOR THE NAMESAKE OF GOD. It is in your righteousness that your prayers become powerful and effective for the righteous know what to pray having the knowledge of their mind renewed that they may reason in truth and judge the world according to attaining to righteousness not appearances. THE RIGHTEOUS DO NOT PRAY VAINLY THAT THEY MAY SPEND IT ON THEIR PLEASURES. THE PROTECTION OF GOD IS GIVEN TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN MADE RIGHTEOUS AS JESUS WAS RIGHTEOUS HAVING LIVED ACCORDING TO THE KNOWLEDGE REVEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THIS IS THE SOURCE OF WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE. THE RIGHTEOUS MAN DOES NOT CAST HIS PEARLS BEFORE SWINE AND AFTER HE HAS CORRECTED AND INSTRUCTED SOMEONE TWO OR THREE TIMES AND HIS WORDS DO NOT BECOME FLESH AND HIS PEACE IS NOT RETURNED TO HIM, GOD ALLOWS THE MAN OF GOD TO MOVE ON FOR HE INFORMS THE MAN OF GOD, DO NOT SAVE A FOOL FOR IF YOU DO SO, YOU WILL HAVE TO DO IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. AND HE ASKS FORGIVENESS FOR TRESPASSES DONE AGAINST HIM UNDERSTANDING THAT THOSE WHO WOULD TRESPASS AGAINST HIM, KNOW NOT WHAT THEY SAY OR DO. The fool is a fool not because he is stupid but because he has been fooled into believing that all he thinks feels and sees is all there is not having knowledge of the truth REVEALED by the holy spirit for it is REVELATION OF TRUTH which gives a man the gifts and fruits of the spirit not SPECULATION. The scripture is of no private interpretation except holy (DEVOTED) men of God MOVED ALONG BY THE REVELATIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE BRINGER OF ALL TRUTH. According to the wisdom given to our brother Paul and he writes about in his epistles of these sometimes difficult and hard to understand things which unstable and untaught men twist to their own destruction as they do the rest of the scripture. The great rejection of Jesus was accompanied by the comment, He was not a man of letters meaning He was not educated by men and was simply the son of a carpenter from the tribe of Judah of which Moses did not speak. HOW COULD HE KNOW ABOUT THE THINGS OF GOD?
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:47:55 +0000

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