My Golden Rules of Astrology Communication Pls i do not do - TopicsExpress


My Golden Rules of Astrology Communication Pls i do not do chart readings free or paid so pls do not send me messages on private FB messaging. There are many who do professional astrology in a very decent manner, u can consult them. Do not message me asking me for technical queries on astrology areas, ask those who are seniors and gurus, i do not have adequate knowledge nor do i want to be a Guru. I do not have and never had any ambition to be an astrologer and for me predictions are almost useless unless it makes us grow spiritually or become a better human being. The only people i help is those who have helped or contributed to astrology for quite some time, for them i go beyond any length to help them. In case i need data do remember i will always use it at some point of time in the article with or without ur name (normally without) . This is a golden rule that i have followed, for me the technique is more important than anything else. Some rare techniques have been lost since it worked on only one chart that came my way and then the after spending 30 mins on a chart the person tells me that he does not want me to quote his chart. Some of the finest methods from chandra kala nadi (devakeralam) on which i worked in 2006 was lost due to this, i still remember for Virgo lagna how to easily find out the date of death of mother, it worked on 4 charts to the T and did not work on 1 chart, but all 5 natives told me not to use their data. Also pls do not call me and ask me which astrologer to consult, there are so many available on net, what is the need to ask me which one to consult. If a common man is asking me its fine but those who are net savvy and on FB or yahoogroups are asking me then its a pure waste of time. I get unlimited calls and at times phone chats goes on to 10 hours a day, its a huge drain on me and my health. Due to such high amount of phone calls i landed up having a pain in my brain for nearly 2 years and landed up spending a huge amount of money curing it. I patiently reply to every post whether here or private just so that people do not think i am a rude or egoistical man but i think i must put my foot down and concentrate on the magazine and the book shop and concentrate on feeding my family which i have ignored since the last 6 years of starting this magazine. The best way of communicating with me is via email at admin@saptarishisastrology , i do not prefer facebook messaging or whats app or phone calls or smses. I want to concentrate only one on one form of communication rather than many. It stresses me to even reply to emails (300 per day approximate) with the volunteers and since the list of volunteers grew beyond measure i had to appoint another volunteer to deal with other volunteers. Kindly do not take this post as a rude post or me trying to show off, honestly my health has only gone down due to over communication and too much of work. the health issues have become a permanent problem now, on which i do not want to talk publicly. Hence forth i will not be interacting on FB messenger with people i do not know about so in case they tell you i am rude its perfectly fine with me.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:27:05 +0000

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