My Goodness! Ive stayed out of the #Ferguson fray... on purpose. - TopicsExpress


My Goodness! Ive stayed out of the #Ferguson fray... on purpose. But I learned more about those with whom Im acquainted than Ill ever process. Here are a few of my favs to respond to... 1. A lot of Christians that I know were some of the worst with their words. Regardless of your color... um, can you not represent Christ a little better? Now isnt the time to resort to cursing and partisanship. None of this will last anyway... our hope is in more than this, or should be. 2. People sure talk about the lack of passive and peaceful protest. What about the 108 days of peaceful protest that occurred, hoping that THIS time it would work, and THIS time might be different. Well, that didnt work, even after peace. Even after hope. And your memes are OFF about protests of the past. White folks have protested and looted and revolted for centuries. If youd worry more about books and education than consumerism and capital gains, youd know the world is a fascinating place with LOTS of history. History youll likely never know because money is your God. 3. Yes, looting your own community is bad, but so is heart-pain and mental anguish over being put down. And to be honest... this ISNT the first time in history it went like this. And THIS wasnt that bad, in context. Bad was the French Revolution. Bad was when Russia revolted. Cuba, Mexico, Italy... do yall ever pick up books? OH, and looting, while stupid... is a leveler. Its a psychological release in retaliation. They likely cannot form that thought or put those words with it... but revolting isnt about logic. Its about breaking nooses and bondage. You want to badly to be free from a thing that you become a tempest. If you have never been bound by a thing, figuratively, then you wont know... and you should thank God that you have never HAD to know. Money, greed, and the reason people loot when they are in PAIN is because that is what HURTS BACK to those they perceive in power. Its not about race. Its about classism and financial power. History repeats itself. 4. Oh, dear privileged white gays... no, gurls... this had NOTHING to do with you. YOU arent going to be taking anything away from this experience to process and use in your own battles for equality. Do you know why? Because you are still white and male and have lots and lots and lots of advantages.... even for your nelly selves. Stop making this about your fight. Its not. THIS wasnt. 5. Mixed black friends... when did you become SO black? When did your twitter and your FB feed become a place where you all of sudden were hating on whitey. Um, girl... YOUR MOM is white, okay? Your kids are partially white from folks. Dont get all black and pious over this. YOU, honey... are half WHITE. Work towards solidarity and quit acting like your naturally light hair and eyes dont get YOU some privilege. 6. Rednecks, you just dont disappoint in our expectations of your rebuttals and your racism. But you dont get it either. And you look stupid when you post legal jargon that is misspelled with bad grammar. When your constitutional degree kicked in overnight, youd think that those extra degrees could make you type like you were not functionally retarded with little gimp thumbs all up on your iPhone or whatever Wal-Mart sold you. If you cant argue well, then just shut up and HOPE that the ONE of you with lots of teeth and a semi-decent vocabulary will speak for all yall at the trailer park. 7. White liberals have begun censoring language now. If anyone on MY feed says.. Folks, the several of you that I have seen...well... you are just as bad as a hate-spewing redneck. EVERYONE gets to say what they think. EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion. And I didnt see you being so PIOUS and ridiculous when you were using words like trannie and wondering about OTHER groups were hurting what the big deal was. Or is the cause du jour only for the lowly coloreds? What poor people, trans, or those indigent people that need other help... do they not qualify under your speech embargo? So, why do you get to be a language policeman now? Thats rich. Itll all be okay, though, right? We can use hashtags like #PrayForFerguson or #AllLivesMatter or #BlackLivesMatter or #Peace and that absolves us of having to do any real thinking, or any real action towards peace, right? Right?... Right?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:23:24 +0000

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