My Heart Bleeds!!!!!!!!! I followed up the killings of 17 - TopicsExpress


My Heart Bleeds!!!!!!!!! I followed up the killings of 17 victims (Charlie and others) in 3 despicable terrorist acts last week in france which prompted a unity march of 1.5 million people including 40 world leaders in Paris. I saw true patriotism, I saw people showing great love for their country. I saw clerics, government officials and security operatives express great concern for the lives of the citizens of france and as well the peace and unity of france. But in my own country it is a different story! Why? Last week more than 2000 civilians including women and children were massacred by terrorists in Baga. Yesterday Damaturu was under heavy bombardment by terrorists. Today another heavy bombing in portiskum! My heart bleeds! Nobody cares! Children are dying! Leaders are dying while the old are seeking presidential power! Things are going wrong, walls are falling apart and the center no longer holds yet Pastors and others Religious leaders are busy endorsing their best candidates for the forthcoming elections! Shame on you all! May God have Mercy on you all! The Average Nigerian Man is a mediocre. Who is always after the NOW! Brainwashed Idiots! The people who make you sit under the sun shouting PDP POWER! APC CHANGE! All have their children schooling abroad with so many citizenship. But you are here shouting all your strength and after it all you are given 500 Naira(4$)! Shame on you all! People no longer seek the peace of our fatherland but for their choice party to wins elections. Yet you pray for development? You must be mad! Because no investor will invest in such economy. Oh Lord Have Mercy! The igbos shouting, Divide Nigeria! The Hausas shouting, Power is ours! Is there any Pastor Preaching Truth and Calling For Peace in This Country? Who will march, pray or preach when they are all in the stadiums endorsing one good for nothing politician. No world leader is planning a trip to Nigeria and yet we are the Giants of Africa! Giants my foot! We are dwarfs! Our Glory is Lost! Our country is now a place where refuses are dumped. Planes that arent working are imported here and used. Putting peoples lives at risk. Japan, America, Russia and all including China, train their youths to be the best so they could explore nigerias wealth and invest in their country whereby making it a better place. But Nigeria train her youth to become Labourers for them. A country where the youth testify and celebrate when they get visa to travel to Qatar for a security guard job! A country where a Masters. Degree Holder is a Truck driver. A country where our Military fight without guns and outdated ammunitions! A country where we have graduated illiterates. A country that has graduate fools with good degrees from stupid universities. Our educational system is a mess. The worse of all! All they show you is the picture, the exterior. More than 500 students in a Small room called a Lab without chairs only a flask and yet it is a medical Lab. No wonder our medical doctors normally forget needles in the body of their patients! If the hospitals were good enough, why dont the politicians patronise them, instead they run to india or America. Its a pity! Shame on you all! Are you building a country where you can raise your kids or invest? My Heart Bleeds! I call on the international community to come to our rescue, people are dying. Please come! Come and save a dying Nation! Come and save Nigeria! I call on My Fellow Nigerians! Arise O Compatriot! Nigeria Call Obey! Lets Serve Our FatherLand With Love Strength And Faith! Lets refuse to sell our integrity! Lets say no to this extra judicial killings!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:10:55 +0000

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