My Journey, My Message of Magic, Miracles, Hope, Empowerment & - TopicsExpress


My Journey, My Message of Magic, Miracles, Hope, Empowerment & Choices. The purpose of this page is to share my ESH...Experience, Strength & Hope. To let the world know YOU ALWAYS HAVE CHOICES. I would like to use this page as a place for others who have been diagnosed with cancer to share - as a source of support as well as information. A place to find hope & solutions, to ask questions & to connect with others. Take what you like and leave the rest. Educate yourself. There are a multitude of books, Dr’s, websites etc. that provide a wealth of information, direction and options. Education is Power. Empower yourself. Get quiet, go within, and listen to your own life source. You are the only person who lives in your body-listen to it….Empower yourself….it will tell you exactly what it needs to be healthy and thriving with vitality. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec 2011. In March of 2013 I received the news that the tumor is dead. I did not use what is currently labeled modern medicine-no chemo, no radiation-no surgery. The path I took to diagnosis via modern medicine I would never choose again, knowing what I have learned since. I do not use a microwave. I do not get mammograms, pet scans or cat scans. I began by doing the research-the information is out there-and it is readily available. Today I monitor the health of my entire body by using thermal imaging and biofeedback-neither of which use any chemicals or radiation. I threw away everything plastic and Teflon. I eat primarily organic, gluten free, sugar free, and use organic & chemical free detergents, cleaners, paper products. I have my own water systems in place that provide me with chemical free water. I sleep on a Biomat which keeps my body temp up & allows me to do an infrared sauna in the comfort of my own home The Biomat allows me to detox my body any time I choose. I have learned to let go of relationships that are filled with fear as it is toxic to my immune system. Letting go of some of them were not easy....the rewards were/are incredible. As much as others would like to understand, until you hear the words you have cancer you cannot possibly comprehend. I have faced my mortality. I am at peace with who I am. I love every ounce of my being. I told very few people of my diagnosis as I was healing my body. Lets face it most of us dont know how to deal with the word Cancer-as well as many other illnesses. I chose to be very selective in who I let in so as not to have the society standard practice of being looked at with fear & pity. I needed to give myself the best possible chance at finding a solution-without becoming overwhelmed by the fear & worry of those who love me. I had my own emotions to deal with. This may not be the choice for you-but I can honestly say I have NO regrets in any of the choices I made...I wouldnt do a single thing differently. By making my own choices about the well being of my body-and not blindly following industry or allowing my Ins Co to dictate to me - when my ins came up for renewal my ins man found a better deal....and my premium went down by $60 a month a full year after my diagnosis. When we allow others to make decisions for us, based on “the standard method, what the ins co will cover, someone elses beliefs or fears or just an unwillingness on our part to check options -and therefore givng ourselves no choices” we give our power away-we allow others to make vital decisions about the quality of life we will get to live & the price tag they choose. Follow the money and you will find the source of all of our subtly begins....and inhumanely ends with the drug companies-and all who either profit from them-or are in fear of challenging is a billion dollar industry! Is there a place for “modern medicine”-Absolutely. Are chemicals, poisons & mutilation modern? Absolutely Not-they are inhumane and barbaric and a disgrace to the magnificence in which our bodies, spirits & Mother Earth were created. Even our ancestors the Cavemen, Shamans, and Native Americans were educated enough to know we were provided with a chemical free planet of foods & herbs that heal, and provided a body that came chemical free - equipped with Known Killers, an Immune System and Intuition. Read, educate & empower yourself of the choices available….and then follow the calm peaceful voice within which truly knows what is best for you personally-physically, spiritually & emotionally-we are not clay molds-there is no one size fits all cure in a pretty pink bow. We are individuals, our physical makeup, life experiences, beliefs and lifestyles are as varied as our fingerprints. Stay far away from institutions/people that fill you with fear….The peace & the fear-these are the voices of your body speaking! Surround yourself with happy, positive and supportive people…..borrow their faith when you cannot find yours….Let the tears flow where ever they may find you-they are cleansing and healing….Find humor in the things that would paralyze you with fear if you allowed it. Ask for what you need & if need be demand it….we are not victims….we are smart, intelligent, successful, loving, generous, and courageous….we are stronger than we know, AND WE ALWAYS HAVE CHOICES.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 02:11:18 +0000

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