My Journey with God, Part 168 RESPONSE: The counselor went - TopicsExpress


My Journey with God, Part 168 RESPONSE: The counselor went back to an e-mail that he had already commented on, and provided additional comments (in response to my last comments). In response to my comment on focusing on the truth, the counselor said the truth is that my revelations are keeping me out of the Church. In response to my comment, In order to truly determine whether a prompting is from the Holy Ghost, look at the revelation itself, and ask whether or not it is consistent with the commandments of God, whether or not it is consistent with pure truths, whether or not it is good, whether or not it leads to good things, and so forth, the counselor said that it is NOT leading to good things as it is keeping me out of the Church, keeping me out of the temple, keeping me from having the priesthood, and keeping me from baptizing my children, and so forth. In response to my comment on not calling good evil, and evil good, the counselor said that it is ironic that I am saying this while accusing the Bloomfield Hills Michigan Stake President of being filled with the spirit of lies. He then asked, Who is calling good evil? He then said that I am insisting that my leaders are all mistaken in the inspiration that they have received from God, and that they have sinned in trying to help me. In response to my comment that the truth shall set me free, the counselor said that my version of the truth has bound me, cut off my blessings, and cancelled my sealing to my wife and children, and damned my progress. In response to my experience when I tried the experiment upon the words of the Stake President in not sharing the pamphlet with an investigator, which happened before any privileges were suspended, the counselor said that just because I had not yet been disciplined, does not imply that my promptings were from God, and he then said, Look where such promptings have taken you. In response to my comment that the Lord was not pleased when I withheld the pamphlet from the investigator, the counselor claimed that it was Lucifer that was not pleased. In response to my comment that I did not follow the prompting from the Holy Ghost to share the pamphlet with the investigator, the counselor said that he does not believe that the Holy Ghost would inspire me to share the pamphlet with investigators, and then said that he does not feel comfortable with the pamphlet. In response to my comment that the counselor ought to ponder the true meaning of contention, he said that he knows the meaning of contention, that it means arguing, that the TRUE / FALSE questions are contentious, and that a mild voice (referring to my voice) does not hide a stubborn and argumentative spirit. In response to my comment, If John the Baptist, Christ, and so forth, happened to live in our day, and happened to be subject to various leaders of the Church, do you really think that they would have just followed any instructions from leaders of the Church, regardless of whether or not such instructions are right before the Lord? If you truly think so, then you truly do not understand the nature of the Holy Priesthood, the gospel, and so forth. The Holy Priesthood is based on principles of truth and righteousness. Please ponder this statement, and fast and pray about it for as long as it takes for you to understand it, the counselor said that I ought not to patronize him, and that men are called by the Lord because He knows they recognize His voice and promptings, because they are of a firm understanding, and because they have proven themselves unto the Lord so that He can trust them to act in all manner of wisdom. BHARAT: My revelations are not keeping me out of the Church, but rather, the false revelations of the Stake President, and others, are keeping me out of the Church. Not being able to go to the temple, to participate in Church, and so forth, is not good, but such things are the result of the wicked acts of the Stake President that excommunicated me, as well as other Church leaders who are blindly sustaining such wicked acts. It is clear that lies came forth out of the mouth of the Stake President. Verily, I do not focus on the Stake President stamp on his forehead, but rather focus on the words themselves that came forth out of his mouth. The words are clearly words of the devil, and defy the commandments, the scriptures, and so forth. My version of the truth is the truth itself, and clearly aligns with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your version of the truth clearly aligns with the teachings of Satan. Verily, on the last day, as you see me face to face, you will clearly see who is damned and who is not damned. When Christ walked upon this earth, many saw Him as afflicted, stricken of God, and so forth. In reality, this was not so, think about this. You say all manner of false things. You ask me to look at where I am, and then try to argue that this implies that I have sinned. Well, would you have said the same thing to Christ while He was dying on the cross? You may not feel comfortable with the pamphlet because your heart is not right before the Lord. You do not understand the meaning of contention, for verily, testifying of pure truths, expounding doctrines, and so forth, is not contention. As you argue, with all manner of false doctrines coming forth out of your mouth, you are contending against the truth. By your very own definition, you are contending. In the Book of Mormon, you will find many examples of men of God contending for the truth. However, contending against the truth is of the devil. Regarding your last statement, ponder the following: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself called Judas Iscariot as an apostle of the Lord. Judas fell. Verily, verily, I say unto you, be wary, for if you are not careful, and if you do not align yourself with pure truths, then you will also fall, and get your due reward on the last day.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:00:07 +0000

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