My Journey with God, Part 172 RESPONSE: For the first time, - TopicsExpress


My Journey with God, Part 172 RESPONSE: For the first time, the counselor stopped addressing me as Brother Kharadia, and instead, as Mister Kharadia. He accused me of harrassing him, told me that he will no longer communicate with me, told me not to reply to his e-mail, and said that he had blocked me from his e-mail account! He also said that he will have me escorted out of the Church building if I bring the pamphlet (my written testimony of Jesus Christ) to Church, and instructed me not to share it with investigators or Church members. He also said that the pamphlet is not of God, and that he is not the only person in the Jackson Ward that feels this way, and then claimed that the pamphlet turns away investigators. Verily, recall my missionary campaign in the year 2006, in which I sent forth pamphlets and pass-along-cards to every residence within the borders of the Jackson Ward, and recall that one of the counselors in the Bishopric said, Never before in the history of the Jackson Ward have we had so much missionary activity. Who was this counselor? He was the very counselor that was having these discussions with me, yea, even the very counselor that claimed that the pamphlet is not of God! And verily, the Bishop stated that he had no issues with the pamphlet, and even answered the TRUE / FALSE question correctly that pertained to this matter, namely, that it is not a sin for a person to write down his or her testimony on paper, without any false doctrines whatsoever, and share it with people. The counselor finally confessed that no one is perfect, including the Church President, but insisted that if the Church President had made a mistake regarding my case of excommunication, then the Lord Jesus Christ would have told him, and the Church President would have corrected the decision, and hence, since there was no change in the decision, it follows that the decision was, and is, right before God. Once again, the counselor was speaking without knowledge and without understanding the greater purposes of the Lord. He even claimed that Church leaders are not accountable to me, and not accountable to members of the Church under their jurisdiction, and that I, nor anyone else, has any business in testifying unto Church leaders. He even claimed that the Lord Jesus Christ regularly participates in meetings with the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, goes on walks with them, and so forth, once again, making assumptions and speaking without knowledge. Verily, verily, I say unto you, many Church leaders have not only taken strength unto themselves, thinking that the Lord will support them in anything they do, and having the so shall it be written, so shall it be done or so shall it be spoken, so shall it be done mindset about themselves, but are also supported by many Church members that have elevated them as their idols, boldly declaring that they will do anything that their Church leaders ask them to do, both right and wrong, replacing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, with their Church leaders, yea, even dismissing revelations by the power of the Holy Ghost in favor of instructions from their Church leaders, reinforced by Church leaders telling them that the Holy Ghost will never give them revelations that conflict with their instructions, yea, even making the Holy Ghost subservient to leaders of the Church, and even telling Church members that they are overstepping their bounds if they take instructions from Church leaders unto the Lord in prayer and fasting, attempting to make the Church a cult, but verily, the Church is not a cult, and never will be, and will never go into the wilderness again, although the Lord is grieved with the corruption that has slowly crept into the hearts of those that profess to be Saints of God within the restored Church, yea, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nevertheless, it will come to pass that there will be a great sifting and cleansing within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, yea, starting with the inward vessel, and going outward unto the ends of the earth, in preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, even as prophesied in 1 Peter 4:17-18 which says 17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? As for me, I will sustain Church leaders as they sustain the Lord, and will do anything they ask me to do that is right before the Lord, and verily, I may know the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:15:23 +0000

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