My Juice Plus Journey So Far I was invited along to a juice plus - TopicsExpress


My Juice Plus Journey So Far I was invited along to a juice plus inhouse info evening and not really sure wat to expect but when told " this will make you feel better" I couldnt not go.. For years ive suffered greatly with my stomach, pain, sickness, bloating and acid reflux.. Due to this I have had a battle with food the inability to maintain a balanced or sensible diet and the inability to maintain weight this in turn has affected my energy level, suffering from chronic fatigue , low low iron levels amongst other ailments my immune system was poor unable to fight any little flu or bug that my lovely children picked up at creche. Numerous hospital visits, tests, tablets. No appetite and trying to raise two toddlers it takes its toll.. So I took the plunge started on juice plus almost 3 weeks ago and after what I can only describe as a detox week 2 was tough however this week I can honestly say I have noticed a change the last 3 days on waking I have been hungry to anyone this may be normal but me I never felt hunger on trying to eat or even drink I felt sickness therefore I never craved food I could have went 4 days surviving on tea and biscuits or chocolate and this is not healthy over the last few days I have been able to tolerate breakfast and small amounts of dinner however today for the first in a very long time I had 3 good meals due to being hungry this is quite significant for me and my acid reflux has been very little.. I have increased energy levels throughout the day and am starting to notice changes in my skin.. this is all in almost 3 weeks.. I also started my kids on juice plus my 4 year old son has been taking it every day along with me and the biggest change ive noticed in him also is his increased appetite and when I say increases I cant fill him lol but hes eating good refusing biscuits and crisps he wants proper food his apples and even managing to get carrots and peas into him, he is full of energy during the day and when he wakes in the morning instead of tired and not wanting to get ready he is up and raring to go a bit like his mummy.. This is my experience so far and so far so good the main thing is I feel good and I owe it to Juice Plus :)
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:18:46 +0000

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