My Knight in Shining Armor ENGLISH SHORT STORY BY MEGHA.SG87 - TopicsExpress


My Knight in Shining Armor ENGLISH SHORT STORY BY MEGHA.SG87 PUBLISHED ON FEB-21-2013 February 4th, 2012 It was 08:45 AM in the morning. It seemed as if my mobile phone was ringing incessantly for the past few minutes. But the weekend morning that it was, I was lying in my bed, unaware of the external surroundings. Never had I woken up before 10:00 in the past 3 years on a weekend. All thanks to my roommates and the back-to-back movie DVDs played all night. We never slept until it was 0400, our eyes swollen due to lack of sleep and we would be totally exhausted and worn out. I jumped out of the bed, threw away the blanket and took the call. I cleared my throat. “Hello Papa!” I said with a heavy voice that sounded like I was in deep slumber. “What are you doing? Don’t tell me you are still sleeping! He will be there in another 30 minutes and you are not even considering getting ready. Listen Shania, I know it has not been a good phase and all my recent attempts at finding a suitable groom for you have failed. I also know that things are not easy for you Beta, but please bear with me. These are tough times. They shall soon pass. I know you are not totally convinced but get ready soon my princess.” “Indeed tough times Papa, waking up early morning on a weekend and seeing someone at 9:30”, I thought. But the obedient daughter that I am, I chose to keep silent. I rather said, “Sorry Papa, you know how it is on weekends right. I slept late and hence…” “Cut it short, Go get ready. I’ll call you at 1030. Hope you would have come back by then.” Papa said and hung up on the call. This is my story. I am Shania, age 26, a software engineer by profession and working for one of the best IT consulting companies of the world. I lead a life that is surrounded by friends, outings, fun. I am a big foodie. It’s said ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. I am one of the few women who fit in this quote too. I have loved and lost. My father is my best friend and knows about each and every move I make. Yes, it may sound a little cliché but that is how it is. I spend hours chatting with my friends and writing blog entries. Writing and reading is my passion. Had I not been a Software Engineer, I would have been a Novelist, a writer for sure. The guy that my father was talking about is my eleventh official date. After having suffered a heart break and being cheated badly, I have chosen to go the ‘ARRANGE MARRIAGE’ way. I am a divorcee to be clear and precise. I married the wrong man, but by my choice. It was a disaster and he was more of an animal so much so that I had lost all respect for him. We got married and in 4 months realized, we needed to part ways. I don’t have an iota of guilt or sorrow at that relationship breaking away. You want to break out of a relationship that is more a burden than a blessing. An independent girl of 21st century doesn’t prefer to succumb to domestic violence. Yes, it was that bad. I am far happier and totally content with my life. I have left my past where it belonged, in a gutter. I am not ready to look back at all. Anyway, I have lost faith in my selection process of eligible and trustworthy boys and outsourced the most important decision to my father who has gathered ‘Requirements’ from me, prepared a design document and floated the quotation in the matrimony market. I have complete faith in my father, for he understands what I am, whom I can love, where I can adjust and what I want out of life. I am a care free, happy-go-lucky person, the optimist who always sees the glass half full. I live for myself and accept people for who they are. I would settle down for someone who takes me as I am no updates to the existing version. If I am in love with you, I will make the mountains move for you. You wouldn’t even realize that someone who is a part of the modern upbeat and independent clan of women, can be drastically different when it comes to the man she loves. But anyways, my experience with the last 10 boys I was asked either to talk on phone or meet were awry and oh so weird. The first conversation and they would bombard me with questions like, “You are 26, earning for last 4 years, how much are your savings?” I am bankrupt, I have earned and spent, I don’t have any bank balance. It actually brought me to introspection and checking of my bank account transaction history. What have I actually done with all my money? There was another who asked, “Will you be able to quit job and be a housewife?” My dear you want to buy ethnics and have come to UCB, I am sorry you are at the wrong Store. Yet another who said, “You have 750 friends on Facebook. Isn’t that a huge number? I have only 120”. Arrey baba, How on earth is that my problem if you are an introvert and live in your shell. I rather think 750 is a small number owing to the social circle that I have. Go get a life. Another aged 32, who told me”You are a rookie in the game. You are not aware of the rules.” I felt like telling him, I am not here to play games. I have already had my share baby. I am here for a serious lifelong relationship. And I am scared if at the age of 32 you are still playing games, you will die an unmarried, frustrated and discontent man. So, today I am going to meet another guy Sameer, a Sailor working with a foreign company, in Merchant navy to be precise and good looking I must say. My father had sent me a snapshot of his profile. My sister says he is ‘THE ONE’. I have no clue of the basis for her judgement. I have already met his elder sister; we work with the same employer. I found her to be a very sweet and soft spoken woman, thoroughly compassionate and down to earth. She had a very positive aura and I felt a lot of positive vibes. She met me and had a meeting fixed for me and Sameer on Saturday at 12 Noon in Barista. However, she reluctantly called me and said that Sameer had to leave for Singapore for his work on Saturday itself. Hence, we would have to meet as early at 0930. I had no reasons to refuse. She forwarded my number to him and his to me. This meeting for me was like any other meeting, for I had lost all hopes of finding someone who was ‘My Type’. But I have always respected every guy until they chose to bring me down. Post my father’s phone call, I rushed to the wash room, switched on the geyser and Lo, power cut. I bathed in cold water, kept shivering and as soon as I stepped out, my phone beeped. “Shania, I’ll be there at 0945. Sameer” Hmm, Courteous! I thought. “Hurry up”, my mind charged,” You will have all the time to analyse later.” I looked at the watch, Oh Gosh! It is 0925 already. I opened my cupboard, took out a pair of trouser and sweater and put it on. Brushed my hair, ran three rounds of dryer on it and was ready to go. I looked at the mirror and was convinced. I look just fine, another official date. Just then, my phone rang and the Colbie Caillat ringtone rung aloud, “You make me wanna say I do, I do, I do, do do do do do doo”. “Hey Shania, Sameer this side, I am here, waiting for you.” I don’t know why but his voice seemed so familiar, like I have heard this voice so many times. Like this has hummed so many songs for me. “Shut Up Shania Singh”, my brain told my heart. “You are you, someone who uses her brain profusely. Stop acting childish and mushy.” I went down the staircase and walked across the street. Meanwhile I sent a message to my sister, “I don’t know why, but I am getting goose bumps, first time ever. Is he actually THE ONE as you say?” As I stood for the traffic signal to turn Green, I could see him standing across the Road. There stood a young man, perfectly groomed, well-dressed, poise and charm making their way out of his aura. My heart skipped a beat. I kept my feet grounded. I am not one of those who take any decision or base any judgement at first sight. I don’t believe in love at first sight at all. I walked up to him and we shook hands. It was only 0945 and there was not even a single food joint or coffee shop that was open at that time. He requested that we could drive through and talk simultaneously. I wouldn’t have agreed to this had it been any other guy. But, to him, I almost instantly said, “Yes fine.” We walked up to his Jeep, Yes Jeep. I was impressed. A Man with the perfect taste. We started driving our way and he broke the ice. He started the casual talk, enquired me of my educational background, the cities I have lived in, my likes, my dislikes. Every word that he spoke was extremely measured, with the utmost care that he did not step on a girl’s integrity. It was only when I chose to talk of my past that he wanted to know what had happened. He kept on asking me about my likes, what I wanted out of life and how I wanted to lead my life. I was totally engulfed in the chivalry that he exhibited. I had not met a man like him ever. It seemed as if for him, it was more important to know what I wanted. We drove and kept on talking on random stuff, from education, our schools, family, home, friend circle and went on and on. Every word that he spoke made complete sense to me. I realized he too is someone just like me, independent, full of life, left his baggage behind and happier now than he was in a relationship earlier. I became glad to know that such people exist around me who have the spark of life in them in spite of things having gone wrong in the past. All the others I met carried a huge baggage that would be really difficult to unpack. In that one hour of drive and conversation that I had, I got to know what an adventure enthusiast he is. He likes to soar high in the air, measure the mountains, dive under the oceans and ride on rough terrains. All of it sounded to me like my Knight in shining armour had finally arrived. I suddenly felt conscious of my looks, hadn’t even cared to dress well, eyes puffed with dark circles that could scare anyone. I must confess I was totally cast under that spell. Yet my brain was constantly charging, “Easy Shania. Think hundred times. It’s too early”. And my heart would take a backstage. I let him know what was most important to me, “You know Sameer, what matters to me now is I get into a relationship, Once I am convinced that no matter what happens, even if the sky comes falling on the earth, my relationship would not fall apart, 110% commitment. I am someone who will give you all the space and let you have all the time for your boyish things; you can have fun doing all the set of things you want. I understand you have a very tight schedule while you are sailing and when back, you would want time for yourself. In fact I like the fact that you are passionate for things apart from your work and would want to pursue it in your holidays. I will support you in that. If there is commitment and compatibility, I think these things can be taken care of.” He almost instantly replied, “I am happy alone too. I have also let my parents know that I will settle only when I know that I have met the right girl.” I felt connected in thoughts. It was already 1030 and he had a flight to board that afternoon. He dropped me home and asked to keep in touch. I knew that I wanted to, to understand him better and see how far my sister is right in saying; he is “THE ONE”. As soon as I reached home, my father called me and in his mundane tone asked, “How was he?” My dad had never heard a positive feedback from me earlier. I took a deep breath and walked on the terrace attached to my room. The drizzle had just subsided; the sun was now shining. I could see the rainbow stretched across the sky. The setting was perfect. It was a fresh and bright morning. I felt as if the Universe was sending vibrations my way. I replied, “Papa, I liked him. He is nice, in fact very nice. But I am not at a stage to say anything further. I want to be in touch with him and decide the sync between his actions and his words. He is too good (to be true).” Feb 4th, 2012 1600 My phone beeped, “My email is XXXX@gmail. U take care. Will Keep in touch. Sameer” A smile stretched across my face. I had forgotten to send him my email ID as I had promised earlier. He did not. I replied, xxxx@gmail, Will add you on FB and Gtalk. Have a safe Voyage. Take Care Feb 5th, 2012 1300 My phone beeped yet again, xxxx@gmail has requested to chat on Gtalk. I accepted the invite instantly. I was getting ready to rush for my best friends’ pre-wedding ceremonies. I put my phone in my handbag and left. I wanted to, but could not stay back to see, if he was online. 2100 While checking my emails, I saw this email: “xxxx@gmail has added you on Google+”. I forgot yet again. Why? I had no clue. Probably because I was still in May be, May be Not state. Almost a week passed by and I got busy with my work at office. It was a hectic week, full of client engagements, long client calls, requirements gatherings and deliverable I somehow missed sending him a facebook request. To be honest, I was busy to the extent that this took a back stage on my mind. It was only later that week that I got a facebook request from his sister, so sweet of her. It reminded me that I was missing out on the most important thing that I had to do. That should be the topmost priority in my life now as Papa said. I sent him a request and for the first time ever, I waited for a notification that would say my Friend request was accepted. Two weeks had passed and we had been in touch. Suddenly, I began to see a change in me. I was more concerned with how would he be? Is he doing fine? I got an urge to meet his parents. I could sense additions to my interest list, additions to the list of my favorite author, favorite music, movies everything. Yes, I have a whole set of MY THINGS TO DO and I shall continue doing them for the rest of my life. He respects that completely. Rather, he is someone who brings out the best in me. He is turning out to be a source of motivation to me. I have always stayed in high spirits in life. My friends don’t step out without me. They want me around for every get together. But now there was someone in my life who was shining bright for me. The city started looking more beautiful to me. I didn’t want to leave the city anymore. I was in a complete state of confusion now. I was constantly double guessing myself. I wanted to be sure and more so wanted to understand, Is this what they call LOVE? Do Arrange marriages actually work this way? I mean this is such an arranged set up to fall in Love. Sounds funny right? I didn’t know. May be this was because I hadn’t been here earlier and hence the confusions. Some more time passed and finally the day came when he was to come back to the city. Meanwhile, our parents met each other and liked the families. I met his parents too. They are extremely good hear-ted people. He hadn’t yet told me that he is in. He had made indirect statements, asking me if I was ready to move along. But I couldn’t be sure if that meant he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. And I am someone who will just not take the First Step. I belong to the Old school of thinking that says No matter what, A Girl should never ever take the first step. All this time, my dad had been asking me, if he should stop his search now or keep on continuing. Each time that he asked me this question, a morose silence gripped me. Is this feeling here to last? Is this relationship meant to be? I want this to work. I don’t want to lose on this. I had a tough time explaining my father that though I am not sure what is on his mind, But I can’t meet anyone else now, until I know his answer. I can’t do justice to my meetings with anyone else now. My father gauged that I was totally engulfed. He kept silent though unwillingly, because he believes that it has to be a loud and clear “YES” in arrange marriages to stop the process of groom searching. I know he was doing his work in the background, but knew I wouldn’t meet anyone else. He knows I am so Strong-headed that if I want something in life I WILL get it. But this time, I had to wait. The long wait of three months was beyond something that words could comprehend. But I had made sure that I will continue to live the way I am, go out with friends, have fun, and pay full concentration to my work. I was due for a promotion and an appraisal soon. Life had taught me to do things simultaneously, to have a life of my own and not sit and contemplate over things. I wanted him to be a part of the rest of my life, but also to have a life of my own until then. May 5th, 2012 1000 The phone rang and he said, He had arrived at the airport. He told he wanted to see me. We fixed a meeting and unlike the first time, I decided to dress well this time. It was now very important to me. We met at the same place, where we had the first time. It was absolutely the same setting. But things were different deep down my heart at least, if not his. But I had mastered the art of holding back my feelings, keep my feet grounded. He held my hand, leaned forward and said, “Shania, I have been waiting to say this for the last few months. I knew exactly that you are the girl; I want to spend my life with. Will you marry me Shania?” The ground slipped under my feet. I froze in time. Finally, he said what I wanted to hear. Finally, I could see that ray of light. I had been walking relentlessly in the tunnel in search of this light. My life was going to be perfect, absolutely normal yet again. Yes, I was happy in my life in the company of friends and fun. But I needed a companion for life so badly. Yes, I felt the need when I saw all my other friends getting engaged and settling down; when I saw the SINGLES gang we had, shrinking day by day. I too felt like I should have someone in my life, with whom you share a rapport that is beyond words, where in spite of staying far, you know that there is so much love and understanding that you can live your life at peace. To Love and be loved. And he was the only man in my life whom I had ever looked up that way. I was in complete Awe of him. I wasn’t able to come to terms with the fact that he had already said it. I couldn’t ask God for more. I said, “Yes, I will”. My Phone rang, the same Colbie Caillat song, “It’s always been about me, myself, and I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time. I never wanted to be anybody’s other half. I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn’t last. That was the only way I knew ‘til I met you”. It was then I realized why it didn’t work out with the other ten. Why was the universe always keeping my spirits High? Why was there such a deep positive faith in my heart that when it works out, it will be THE MOST PERFECT setting ever? I realized in a moment that when Papa said, “Everything happens for a reason and the reasons are always good”, what he actually meant. It started to rain. The Gods were blessing us right. The world was with us. We went to a nearby coffee shop and while he ordered two latte’ for us, I sent a message to my sister, “You were right. He IS THE ONE. This is the happiest day of my life”…… With Love, Megha S. __END__ Copyright © 2013 Your Story Club - Online Short Story Publisher
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:24:11 +0000

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