My LORD, my GOD, creator of all that is, was, and will be, good - TopicsExpress


My LORD, my GOD, creator of all that is, was, and will be, good morning. Thank you. Thank you for your unconditional unwavering love, for your forgiveness of my sins, and for your soul saving grace. Thank you for the gift of my life. Thank you for the gift of this glorious new day. Thank you for your living word that challenges me and my life. Thank you for listening to my fears and doubts, and for always answering them with your reassurance, understanding, and your love. Thank you for walking with me daily. Thank you for your guidance as I travel down my narrow path. Thank you for sharing in my joys and my sorrows. Thank you for your strength when I am at my weakest, struggling to make it. Thank you for the lessons of yesterday and those awaiting me today. Thank you for the many opportunities to serve you and your kingdom. Thank you for opening my heart and eyes to see and feel the needs of others. Thank you for challenging me to live a more Christ centered life. Thank you for the earthly angels you have sent to touch my life. Thank you for sending the seed of hope that was planted in me, and for those who followed and fertilized that seed until you were able to reap the good fruit. Thank you for my loving family, for my amazing friends, and my neighbors. Thank you O Lord. Life is full with you. When I was lost, you found me and brought me back. When I was at my weakest, you lifted me back onto my feet. When I was blind, you opened my eyes. You opened my heart, writing your love on it, filling me with your caring. Thank you. As I go forth today, may I be a vessel of your love. May I hear your soft whisper calling unto me. May I trust your call and step out of my comfort zone to follow where you lead. May I be one of your earthley angels, touching lives and being a difference in the life of others. May I spread your good news to everyone. Lord, you are my rock, my firm foundation, my counselor, my comforter, my guide, and my savior. In you I place my hope and my life. Thank you O Lord. In your Holy and saving name I pray. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:14:25 +0000

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