My Life Story– REIKI MASTER: VENU GOPAL LINGA I am a born - TopicsExpress


My Life Story– REIKI MASTER: VENU GOPAL LINGA I am a born healer. It is GOD’s gift to me. In my school days, I healed many of my friends and my injuries completely. I used to pray to God in my school’s church daily. I was getting 100% in all the subjects and I was a school topper. Swamy Sundara Chaitanya being very capable individual snatched my healing powers away from me when I was in my 4th class/standard. Because of this I suffered a lot in my life. Not able to concentrate on my studies, not able to heal my injuries, no good and true friends. Swamyji snatched my powers away from me because he thought that he was a more efficient, capable and deserving individual and that a small child like me does not deserve to have such miraculous healing powers, name, fame, recognition, popularity and money. He made my friends and other co-students in my school to rag me, tease me, harass me, abuse me, beat me up, rob my things, etc. He tortured me through out my school and college days. In my childhood, one day I challenged everybody in my family that I would be opting for love marriage and not for an arranged marriage when the time for my marriage comes. Some of my family members and Swamyji have tortured me and have beaten me up badly. Later I was given in adoption to my Grand Mother’s mother Linga Nagarathnamma. I immediately agreed to adoption because I liked the name ‘Linga’ to be my family name or last name as I also liked and worshipped Lord Shiva’s Lingam. Because of this I inherited her assets and property. I didn’t know what an asset means as I was in 8th standard then. Because of this G.V.Madhusudhan and his wife G.V. Mamatha became my worst enemies as they wanted Linga Nagarathnamma’s property. During my engineering days, I fell in love with my engineering classmate Ayesha Bangi. She was Swamyji’s kaamaroopam which I didn’t know then. She successfully engaged me and dumped me later. She used her friends Amit Shrivastav and Harpreet Singh Gulati to tease me, degrade me, rag me and to destroy my college life. Because of my poor performance at school and college my dad (G.V.Nandagopal) and my dad’s youngest brother (G.V.Madhusudhan) also tortured me badly. One night in 2002, when I was sleeping in my bed room with open doors, unaware of the danger, G.V.Madhusudhan and my dad seized the opportunity. G.V.Madhusudhan gave me anesthesia with chloroform in hand kerchief and then my dad hit a nail with a hammer to my skull to make a hole and injected a liquid into my right brain with an injection. He prepared this liquid from black magic. That night I died and GOD saved me and healed my head injury but not the tumour. GOD wanted me to fight back and realize who my real enemies are. Because of this I had to suffer from BRAIN TUMOUR from 2002 to 2009. My Dad’s younger brother G.V.Ravindranath took me to a psychiatrist and I was under medication upto 2009. In 2009, I learnt REIKI HEALING from Dr.A.Renuka Devi and my healing powers returned when I read the Holy Ghost prayer of Divine White Light. Swamy Sundara Chaitanya lost the healing powers that he snatched away from me. Now I regained my health because of Reiki, Divine White Light and GOD’s grace. Swamyji propagated many rumours about me since my childhood days. He spread news among people that I am a cheat and made people hate me, degrade me and spit at me. Swamyji is jealous of me and is trying to make me unpopular by using different kinds of media like TV, radios, mobiles, internet, etc. Swamyji is misguiding and misleading everybody including his followers. Beware! Swamyji claimed me to be his right hand, which I am not. Swamyji challenged me that he will put an end to my business, service and to my office cum clinic: Healing Home which I started in 2010, January. Swamyji’s capabilities: Swamyji knows hypnotism (can hypnotise everybody at a time remotely), mesmerism, mimicry (open and closed mouth mimicry). He has a political brain and can play politics on anybody fluently, is as cunning and clever as a fox. He can change his physical forms means kaamaroopalu. He has the knack to lie convincingly by mixing lies with truths. He has the ability to speech. Talking power. He has psychic powers. He has powerful Acting ability. He has tremendous memory power. His third eye or mind’s eye is activated, so he can peep into the past and future events of any living being. He can cook up stories and fictitious events. He can snatch, steal and rob anybody’s capabilities, skills, ideas, talents, abilities, techniques and can claim them to be his. Swamyji had possession over me for many years. By this, Swamyji is able to know all my experiences and he is using this information according to his selfish motives. He has the capability to control me and my thoughts from anywhere. He has threatened me that he would get me kidnapped, make me a handicap and get me killed if possible. He also threatened me that he would kill my nephew (Solleti Arvind) with his psychic powers. He knows black magic also. He can become invisible and can fly also. I am your healer. I healed everybody with the help of Reiki, Reiki Symbols, Divine White Light and removed swineflu from this whole world when everybody were infected by this deadly disease in 2009. Since then I have been healing the whole world on a regular daily basis for my personal self satisfaction and as a social service. Now I am 36 year old uncle, a genuine bachelor and I did not sin until now. Such is my character. I believe in keeping my mind, body and soul serene.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:37:26 +0000

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