My Lost Briefcase This looks just like a wallet, I said to - TopicsExpress


My Lost Briefcase This looks just like a wallet, I said to myself; as I reached down to pick up this big, fat, loaded, black wallet, which was bulging with cash, credit cards, driver license etc., This finding would have been an illegal immigrants’ perfect dream come true, if we had not been there first. Now what do you do?? Take all the cash…. Like the man who found my daughters wallet, took all her cash, then mailed the rest of the contents back to her. ? Or…. take a finders, keepers, losers, weepers, fee.. Or.. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and give it all back. We’ll then, sadly, but truly, the wallet had a license in it, with a name, and the directory had that name with a number, and that number worked, Why oh why couldn’t I find a no name wallet full of cash?? This lady on the other end starts to go hysterical when I tell her I found something she lost, and after she describes it to perfection; we knew we had located the real owner. Talk about one happy woman, when she got her wallet back and one happy me, knowing it was the right thing to do. My life has had several different dispensations, or should we say; different stages, when we did different things. This was the dispensation in my life of selling grandfather clocks, for a friend of mine, who happened to have… five hundred… engraved.. Solid oak… grandfather clocks. Talk about beautiful pieces of furniture with meticulous hand carved, art work, strait out of Romania… We soon found these clocks sold best at the log cabin trade show events. So from Seattle to Los Angeles, to Myrtle Beach, to Denver Colorado, and most places in-between, we have sold; white clocks, cherry clocks, honey oak clocks, natural clocks, and a few other stains of clocks that we forgot to mention. A friend of mine also bought a trailer and customized it to haul 30 of these clocks, which he had purchased, and was going to help sell. Let’s do the Log cabin trade show in Kamloops BC, I suggested, we’ll split the costs, and the profits. So a few weeks later, here we go, rolling down the HI way, towards beautiful, British, Columbia, and a log home trade show. As we headed out, there was lots of small talk, and a bunch of carbs that needed to be eaten, then, after my friend finds out I grew up without a TV, he goes… “Sam, you need to get a TV and watch channel seventeen; it has all kinds of good programs on it, and there are so many good spiritual truths you could learn! If you know me, this was the perfect fodder to keep us intently focused, on a very interesting conversation, which took us all the way to Kamloops BC. The tradeshow turned out very eventful, with lots of people milling around, asking questions, and there was even a fortune teller there who we had the chance to get acquainted with. The thing I always wondered about these fortune tellers is; why can’t they give out the winning Lottery numbers? Or better yet; why don’t they get the number, and take the money for themselves? The time had come; the tradeshow was over, we packed up our bags, took down our booth, put the remaining clocks in the trailer,, paid for the motel, and headed on down the road. We had been traveling for over an hour when I reached over the back seat and started groping for my briefcase. “Harry,” I said; “you’d better pull over, I can’t find my briefcase! I think I left it on the running boards of the truck; it’s probably lying in the ditch between here and Penticton. The first thing that crossed my mind was the wallet I had found a couple months previously. I’m sure glad I gave it all back, I whispered as I dialed the motel where we had stayed. “Hello, this is super 8; would you care to make a reservation?” someone asked. “No, I said; “but could you do me a favor? We just stayed at your motel the last few nights, and when we were leaving, my briefcase was left on the running boards of our truck, and could you, would you, please see if it’s lying on the street?” Minutes passed in eager waiting, as I wondered about the outcome of all of this; there were literally thousands of dollars, plus all my future contacts and other important information in this one briefcase! The only time you should ever put all your eggs into one basket is when you put your trust in Jesus! The voice on the other end of the phone comes back on, and says,” we walked all around our motel, and were sorry, but we didn’t see any briefcases.” I was about to hang up when the lady came back on and said; “Wait a minute! A car just pulled up, and a lady is walking up the sidewalk, carrying a black briefcase; maybe it is yours!” Yes, it was mine. This lady said she had been driving through a parking lot in the downtown area of Kamloops, saw this briefcase lying in the middle of the lot, so she stops and picks it up. She then wanted to get a motel for the night, and happened to come to the very motel where we had stayed, at the very same time I was on the cell phone, calling about my briefcase, an hour and a half after we had left the motel. This dear soul told me she would never take one cent, when I offered her money. She told me someone had just returned her lost purse, so she would do the same. (God bless you dear lady.) Think about this; nothing is ever lost, but Jesus always knows where it is… the secret is: can you get him to show you? Think this through, my friend; over an hour later, found in a down town parking lot, come to the same motel where we had stayed, the same time I just happened to call! You call this coincidence! I don’t think so; thank you Jesus!! Do you think; dear reader, if I would have taken money out of the wallet I found on the street, complete with the owners Identification, that God would have let me get mine back? I don’t think so. (The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have others do unto you, is still in effect, and If you don’t get your just dues here, rejoice because you will for sure get it over there.) I fully believe we often jump ship just before God comes through, and if we get to Heaven God will show us all the things we could have experienced if we would have just waited on Him; if we would have trusted in Him with all our heart. My biggest problem is waiting on God, and not running ahead of Him. Because of my unbelief, when the going gets tough, I do things my way, and forget about God’s way. Then when God puts me in what I call the ‘God box’, I cry out to Him for help, because my way has got me into mega trouble. (“God box” meaning where I have no place I can turn to, but to God…) I remember another time when I lost a whole ring of keys in a field of thick alfalfa, which was so high; it was almost ready to be cut. There was no possible way to ever locate them. So we prayed, walked about a hundred feet into the field, reached down and my hands fell right on the keys. I had no sooner told someone this story, and they told me they had just lost one of their contact lenses while swimming; they prayed and found it floating in the water! God cares about lost keys, and lost contacts. Sometimes though; the story doesn’t end the way we want it to, and we never find out why God allows what He allows. We had our summer camp out, and my daughter did the driving to the camp, which was a couple hours north of where we live. She then left for home a day early because she needed to be on the job. Well, to make a long story short, she also took the only set of keys we had for our car. No amount of praying started the car, or unlocked the steering wheel; some times the answer is to use what God has placed between our ears. (Meaning the brain; it’s meant to be used!) Many, many times we have been so frustrated and angry over misplacing something, or else putting something in such a good place that we forgot where we put it. Then because were too proud, or too unbelieving; the last thing we do is pray. Prayer should be our first reaction, not our after every-thing-else fails reaction.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:15:32 +0000

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