My Lovely House Boy - Part 17 Me: What are you smiling - TopicsExpress


My Lovely House Boy - Part 17 Me: What are you smiling at? Gov.Son: hello honey, so glad you came back, how did it go? Me: how did what go? Look I dont have time for this okay.... Leave my room now! Gov.Son: I know you went to the police station to bail tunde, I could have helped out, you know I like him. Although he is always stubborn.... ***dammy the Gov.Son was so full of confidence he thought I did not hear him make that phone call where he ordered some policemen to kill tunde, I was so terrified, shocked and angry, I never knew he could have a heart so cold and wicked. well, I pray tunde gets the text message as early as possible, right now, all I have to do is to expose dammy the Gov.Son***** Me: I know okay.... Please leave, I dont want to ever speak with you.... Gov.Son: whats wrong with you? *****He was seriously making me angry this time, I felt like giving him a punch, but my hands were too soft to hit on something so I thought of using words to annoy him**** Me: you know what? I know youre planning evil against me and tunde, but youre not going to succeed, he is special and he is better than you. I will choose him over you... Gov.Son: you see honey, if it were to be another girl saying this, I would have beaten the hell out of her, when tunde is no more who will you choose? Or do you want your dear dad to hate you? ****on hearing the statement he made about when tunde is no more got me really scared, I made a tough decision to go to that police station immediately and bail him out with the help of my childhood friend Richard who just finished the Nigerian defense academy (NDA). So I decided to call richard immediately but Dammy the Gov.Son will not leave my room he even sat near the door***** Me: my dad cannot and will never hate me, and that wont stop me from making the right decision. please dammy excuse me, I want to make a phone call... Gov.Son: to call who? Me: how is that your business? Gov.Son: well Im not going to leave this room now, and your dad heard you escaped from the house to the police station to go and see your poor lover and he got really mad to hear that, so he doesnt even want to see tunde around this house anymore and he asked me not to let you go out and also monitor your calls.... Me: you mean Im now your prisoner? Gov.Son: ahaha shade, youre cracking my ribs, how can that be? I loved you since you were seven years old, and I still do, even tunde cant love you the way I do, you just have to relax and stop bothering yourself okay, you cant be a prisoner in your own fathers house... We love you and we want whats best for you shade, but Im not going to let you leave this house today, anyway, you can make your call but Ill be outside *smiled* ***i felt like crying, I was really pained, my head was aching me really hard, and the words that echoed through my head was what the Governors son dammy said to the Policemen about killing Tunde... I cant believe someone Ive known since when we were little kids could be so heartless, dammy was so kind and caring when we were little and was so honest, I remember he started being wicked when he turned seventeen and I was fifteen years old when he forced me to have s*x with him when I went visiting in their house, and almost broke my hands when he forced me but I refused. He had this tendency of always getting anything he wants... but my heart belongs to Tunde and he cannot change that, and Im never going to forgive him if anything happens to Tunde*** I picked up my phone and typed richards mobile number and told him to meet me at the police station where he will help me bail Tunde before he gets killed. Unknown to me, dammy was by the door hearing my conversation with richard, immediately the door opened...... Gov.Son: hmm how smart, what part of youre not leaving this house dont you understand? Me: as a matter of fact, I am leaving and theres nothing you can do about it! ***i wore my heels and walked p*ss the door and pushed him away*** I entered the car, tried to start the car but it wasnt starting, I felt very strange, this was a 2014 range rover and was just a month old, how could it generate starting problems? I opened the car bonnet and I noticed someone must have unplugged the plug and the battery wire, I re-plugged them and I know it must be the Gov.Sons handiwork, I drove to the gate and before the gateman could say anything I shouted Come on Open the Gate, with fear of getting sacked he did as I said.... I called richard the military guy and he said he hasnt arrived the police station and he is few kilometers from reaching there. I reached the police station, I was so nervous my heart was beating so fast and my feet was so heavy, I entered the police station and went to the counter. Me: hello officer, please Im here for tunde. Officer: and who are you? Me: Im shade... from (Cuts in) Officer: ah, I know who you are... You are the former governors son fiancé.... Me: excuse me sir, I am not his fiancé! Officer: Im sorry ma, sorry to say.... Im so sorry to tell you this but Tunde is Dead. Me: ***my face changed completely and my eyes became watery*** oh No, No, you do not know who I am talking about, he is tall, slim he speaks fluently he.. He.. Oh no... Officer: young woman, I know who you are talking about, he was stabbed by an inmate this afternoon. Im so sorry, this is what happens here all the time. *** just immediately richard had arrived, he rushed to the counter seeing my eyes covered in tears he knew something had gone wrong. He used to be with me in secondary school and he knew anytime I looked like that something bad has happened and it wont be good for my health immediately I went blank md fainted**** Richard: oh my god! Hey officer go get me some water now! Officer: and who are you young man, how dare you order me? Do you know Im the police officer in charge of this zonal station? Richard: shut up! And go and get me some water before she p*sses out or I will beat the hell out of you dont you guys respect Nigerian army officers anymore? Officer: sorry sir, I did not recognize you.. So glad to meet you sir, how was your training in America? Richard: get me water immediately! Now is not the right time to ask questions....! *** I heard voices in the background, while I was in faint mode, I saw tunde face smiling as i went close to him to kiss him I felt a heavy splash of water on my face*** Richard: shade? Shade? Dont do this, can you hear me? wake up! Shade?! Me: what happened? Richard: thats what I was about to ask you before you fainted? Me: this cant be true No.... No! I cant believe this.... Ill kill myself! Richard: what happened? Are we not supposed to come and bail your friend? Im puzzled, shade tell me, whats wrong? I dont like seeing you like this... Me: hes dead! The person we came to bail is dead.... Officer: calm down, please, everything will be fine.... Me: calm down? Calm? ** I was so weak I didnt know what to say anymore then dammy the governors son was approaching alongside my dad, I was so terrible I felt like killing someone*** Gov.Son: hello Richard? Long time..... A policeman called us here, is anything wrong... Richard: some... (Cuts in) Me: You! You... ***i walked closer to him and held his shirt*** you killed him! I heard you! You made a phone call and you told a police to kill him secretly! Why could you? Why...... ****Burst in tears**** Gov.Son: whats the meaning of all this? Shes going insane.... Someone get her off me..... Dad: Shade, I loved him too.. But he is gone, accept it with good faith.. He was strong.... Me: were is his body? I want to see his body.....? Officer: he was stabbed thoroughly and his body is covered in blood we have moved the body to the mortuary, you can go to the barracks mortuary to see his body. Look at the knife he was stabbed with sir.... Gov.Son: oh God, who the hell stabbed him should be killed too... Tunde was more like a friend to me even though I know I made him suffer all this. I pray he forgives me. Officer: The other person was stabbed to death too by tunde before he died so they both died, here is the cell phone you bought for tunde miss shade, as you can see it is stained in blood. ****i really got mad when tunde was acting all innocent I spit on his face*** Gov.Son: why did you spit on my face? Me: because you killed him! I know it! You killed him! Murderer! You are of no good to the society! You are hiding under the canopy of ex-Governors Son to commit evil! Gov.Son: you must be crazy and flooded with pain and delusion. ***immediately Richard walked to him and Punched him on the face**** Richard: you dont talk to women like that fool! Gov.Son: you punched me? Look what youve done to my nose, Im bleeding... Dad: enough of all this nonsense! You shouldnt have punched him richard... Me: Murderer! Why cant you arrest Richard? Fool! ****with tears in my eyes*** Gov.Son: Im going... i cant stand the presence of a mad woman. ***dammy left the scene... But my heart felt heavy... I felt like the world is coming to an end, I mean, I loved tunde so much, the only thing I could do now is commit suicide**** We reached home and I could barely eat or drink anything my dad insisted I should eat something but I refused. Just as I was going to bed I had a phone call. Me: hello? Hello? Tunde: hello, its me. Im not dead. Watch out for Part 18 Hello fans, please bear with some spelling and grammar errors, we will correct them soon. What do you think about todays episode? Share your views by Comment.....
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:25:41 +0000

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