My Morning Paper September 9th 2014 Man Crush? Oh yeah, now - TopicsExpress


My Morning Paper September 9th 2014 Man Crush? Oh yeah, now where we again? Oh yes, this present row between Dr. Myles Munroe and Foreign Affairs Minister the Hon. Fred Mitchell. It would seem that each and every time that Dr. Myles Munroe speaks out against what is perceived as a ‘gay’ agenda being pushed on to the people the Ho. Fred Mitchell seems compelled to respond, even when it is clear that the comments are not directed at him; it’s almost as if there is something sublime going on. This past weekend Dr. Myles Munroe weighed on the LGBT event held in Grand Bahama and as to why he felt that it was wrong. Dr. Munroe went into great detail why he felt that the life style was/is wrong and abnormal and as a private citizen I think that he had the right to say what he said. I dare say that if anyone were to read what Dr. Munroe had to say with an open mind, I cannot see how you can interpret it as ‘hate speech’ unless you wish to see yourself as a victim or are pushing an agenda. He [Dr. Munroe] is quoted as saying “I am not against or will not attempt to prevent any human deciding to practice a specific ‘life style’ or are inclined to follow a certain “unnatural” behavior, but my concern and contention is the attempt to impose that decision on those who by nature are considered normal.” Dr. Munroe may have said same things that may be considered controversial but I have yet to see the ‘hate’ that Minister Mitchell and others attribute to his contribution on this matter. Although many may beg to differ, I am a proponent of common sense and it would seem that Minister Mitchell has crossed the line once again in order to further an agenda whatever that may be. When it is clear that problems loom within his very own ministry, Foreign Affairs, that would require his urgent attention, he instead wishes to weigh in on the comments made by Dr. Miles Munroe in what I can only describe as an assault on Dr. Munroe and organized religion, calling the comments by Dr. Munroe “ignorant and homophobic.” Minister Mitchell goes on to attempt to discredit the church or organized religion with an argument commonly used by Atheist; wherein Galileo was imprisoned because he went against the norm and said the earth was not the center on the universe based on this Minister Munroe is quoted as saying, “He [Galileo] knew differently but was threatened by death for heresy for saying what was scientifically provable. The church admitted it was wrong in 1992, hundreds of years after the man was dead. Now we have Myles Munroe who comes calling the people of God “unnatural”. He is a bloody disgrace. Worst that he seeks to drag the government into this suggesting that the government has something to do with it.” As usual when Minister Mitchell goes off on these senseless rants he is wrong; the Galileo parallel he attempts to draw is asinine, at best. Dr. Munroe never called anyone “unnatural” he called an act “Unnatural” and as a private citizen Dr. Munroe has the right to question the government for their involvement in assisting to put this event together, even if he is wrong. Even if you are not a fan of Dr. Munroe but took the time to read his contribution into this matter, I find that the only way that you can claim that any of what he said is/was wrong or of no relevance is by attempting to justify yourself as being a ‘liberal’ and Dr. Munroe a ‘conservative’. Even this argument would not stand up to the light of day as a true liberal; a person with an open mind would not seek to tear down or condemn and be ‘disgusted’ with Dr. Munroe but rather seek to fins a point of understanding and in reaching this point just agree to disagree and move on. END
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:37:11 +0000

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