My NEVER-ENDING-SMILE As I sit back home today, doing nothing - TopicsExpress


My NEVER-ENDING-SMILE As I sit back home today, doing nothing relevant, or usual that I usually do, I am thinking I should write about the struggles I have been facing since I have come back from the pageant. Yes, struggle. Because, one, I am a business graduate now (I still have to buckle up and get my transcript though! ) and I am jobless; and two, pageant life is crazily hectic. You dont get to choose your favorite hour of the day to wake up. (Sorry, but snooze buttons are out of your dictionary.) You wake up when your team leader asks you to wake up! And then, once your heavy eyes are half open, your soul still sleeping in the bed, which your heavy body just left, you either put on your make up and fix your hair, or rush and have your breakfast.. Why not both? Because the bus that will take us to the sponsorship shoot, or activity venue will leave in 10 minutes. Also, you eat when you are told to eat, unless you are a food bank like I was, and snack every hour or so. and when you accidentally forget your snack bag to the hotel room, you can only hope that the bus will stop in a gas station, and you can rush to the convenient shop next door, that too giving pee-excuses ! So my point is- my body was functioning in a standard pageantry way for almost a month. and now, that I have nothing such to do, such including: thinking about what to wear, what lipstick shade to flatter, what accessory to match, what shoes to walk in, what shoes to carry and etceteras, I am going crazy. and I thought, doing all that was crazy! I was wrong. At least all my muscles were diverted to one topic. Now that its scattered, its insane. Its been exactly a week that I am back, and its been a struggle everyday. Because when they said When you do something repeatedly for 21 days, it becomes a habit, they were true. I dont want to get up early because I know! there isnt any bus waiting for me. I dont rush for breakfast, for I have an entire free day to just dive on food. Well, the list is similar, so let me end it here. I have realized that the only ailment to heal this mental struggle is by meeting friends. I have been meeting all my friends, from different phases of my life, and in a magical way, they are doing wonders. They are making my struggle, a little less struggles. Screw my grammatical knowledge, I dont even remember what a verb is! I personally think that a proper job would help, but even thats a struggle. You know how complicated these things are! (Its complicated than going in a pageant man.. at least The Hidden Treasure had told me that I, as the first runners up of the national pageant will be sent to Miss Earth. Not Miss World! Not Miss Universe! Just MISS EARTH! But hey! at least, my mind was diverted to one. How I wish someone would come and tell me You go work in a bank, no UNDP for you! But again, life isnt a pageant! Life is real. But on a good note, I have realized (especially after my pageant experience) that I am capable of taking up any challenges, that too with my NEVER-ENDING-SMILE; I am capable of getting shattered, and yet SHINING through it; I am capable of adjusting to circumstances, and creating my WORLD admits it, I am capable of doing things, that I never thought I would. Heres to the realizations I have made after the Miss Earth experience. Because, to be very honest, I have stopped looking at the three awards I got from Miss Earth (Its blended well with my other awards in the award shelf.).. But this realization man! This is valuable. This has taught me a lot about myself, about how life works, about the value of friendship, and my NEVER-ENDING-SMILE.. :) Cheers. ... Dear reader, If you managed to read all this, I can tell, you have been with me throughout my journey. Please accept my big thank you, and my NEVER-ENDING-SMILE.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:26:47 +0000

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