My New Years Message: Hello everyone, well here we go….2015. - TopicsExpress


My New Years Message: Hello everyone, well here we go….2015. 2014 was most definitely a year of upheaval for me, both in terms of Survivorman and my personal life (my son getting and beating Leukemia). There was much behind the scenes movement in terms of where Survivorman will air in Canada but those issues have been resolved and I will be making an announcement soon. I rarely have any down time to enjoy my first world life, but I did get some decent R&R over Christmas and New Years. But yesterday was packing day to prepare for today – the start of a new year of productions. Productions I hope you will all be excited to see. Everything should start airing in either April or May. So to recap what most of you already know and reconfirm what is going down: I am heading out in a couple weeks to film the first of 8 new Survivorman episodes and I think I will be going to places like India, Patagonia, Alaska, Ontario, Peru – but I’m still working on those locations. I can honestly say that with some challenging personal life out of the way over the past few years, I am finally looking forward to getting out and filming more Survivorman with the same kind of excitement I had when I started season 2 many years ago! Its time to show and remind everyone where all this survival hubbub started – with Survivorman! (the only real deal in town folks). About the only scripting this boy does is a note to myself saying “start fire with firebow”! In the US and around the world both the Science Channel and Discovery Channel continue to support my work so I am really happy about and grateful for their loyalty to me by keeping my shows on the air. And here’s a reminder that as of March 1st we will be launching the Survivorman FAN contest whereby you can send in your short videos to show me your story telling ability with a camera (I dont care about survival skills) and one lucky winner (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) will come out with me on an official Survivorman episode! As for Survivorman Bigfoot – I am on my way to Texas today for the 6th shoot of this series and my team and I are all very excited to be putting these shows together for you in the edit suties as I type this. And what can you expect? Well, the same no nonsense approach that I put into Survivorman filming. I go out – I live the real deal and bring you back the truth of what has happened, what I thought, what I experienced and let you hash out the debate at home. What you wont get is all the silly buffoonery you might be accustomed to from shows on similar topics. I’ve been out in the bush attempting to illicit some kind of reaction from whatever is responsible for all the reports with a number of researchers and enthusiasts and have been left out on my own to see what will happen. And you know me; I wont pull punches. Its been an interesting journey. Musically I’m still suffering from blown vocal chords after we rocked the house in Florida 2 months ago opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd. So I’m taking it easy and hoping I will be fine for some upcoming gigs in Vegas and LA at the end of March. In the mean time as you know Slash cut an awesome solo on one of my new tracks and I am in the studio with none other than producer Mike Clink to record my new album Mother Earth. Touring will begin again next fall after all the Survivorman work is done and off my plate. So this is my official HAPPY NEW YEAR message everyone (damn I feel like I just wrote one of those ‘family’ letters I used to hate so much!!! – sorry about that!) May you all have a wonderful 2015 filled with moments in nature – moments I encourage you to take as often as possible to replenish the soul and remind us of where we came from. Breathe in deep near trees and in the forest and let your worries go into the ground. Whatever happens now – remember – its YOUR choice. Concentrate only on what you want – not what you dont want – bring what you want to you. Dream big and then act on achieving that dream. Remember nature – it hasnt forgotten you. …L
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:42:57 +0000

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