My OPEN LETTER... Been thinking about this for awhile. I have had - TopicsExpress


My OPEN LETTER... Been thinking about this for awhile. I have had some people bring to my attention that my facebook posts are always negative! That they make me look negative or bad to others! So, I sat and thought about it. Honestly, was a little disappointed for a minute. Even went through previous posts to make sure I havent been missing anything! Because, in my day to day life I am a pretty happy Person! Yes, I have days when things annoy me, frustrate me, make me sad. However, 99% of the time I am happy! I may be tired and running around with my head cut off but I am generally am happy person! Some may say Super Talkative, spontanious, silly, full of energy, and fun! Those who are close to me will say I am a GREAT FRIEND! Some may not think so... Do I think I am an awkward person? Yes! Do I think sometimes I say things and people completely take it the wrong way? Yes! Most times I think I am being funny! Then, I realize I am bad at telling jokes because the person didnt get it. Do, I get annoyed by little things sometimes? Yes! Honestly, I dont take facebook seriously!!!! Ill post a sentence, like, something that annoyed me, and even a fact about my life and then move on. Too me anything I post isnt that serious! To me I can vent, cheer, laugh, connect with friends, learn something new, and have a form of entertainment on facebook. Sometimes, I can get some great advice on something I may need a quick answer too like... Like if my kid has a bug bite, fever, or I need a new place to workout!!! Mostly, I use it to get my images for GMP out. Otherwise, I probably wouldnt use it! Those I am close to I talk to on the phone or visit them. Yes, It is nice to see their images on here, catch up with friends from the past, or make new ones but honestly.... 3/4 of you on here DONT KNOW ME! I dont know you. I do screen a little but mostly if your around my area you can become a friend. Not because I think you are my friend but because it gets my name out there for GMP... JUST BEING HONEST! However, it has been a nice way to meet new people. Some have said I share too much on facebook? My answer to them? Who are you to say what is too much? I am perfectly fine with what I post. I have posted some stuff in the past and thought wow maybe I shouldnt have posted that... HOWEVER< I THOUGHT it was too much... So, what did I do? I deleted it. The big thing. IS IT WAS MY CHOICE! So, my thought for you today... Is to remember! Dont think you know me from a 1 sentence post on facebook! Dont worry for me! I am fine. If you really are my friend you know who I am. Dont project who you think I should be on me? If you think my posts are too negative for you... Please, unfriend me! My goal is not to upset anyone! However, I am not changing... Life has ups and downs. Some days my posts will be happy, sad, irritated, Excited, and many other feelings... but my posts are my truth. NOT YOURS!!!! Today was a awesome day. I woke healthy for the 1st time in a week. Took my kids to school and said I love them as they each got out of the car. I went to the Dr. and had some GREAT NEWS and SOME bad News! Came home answered emails from several HAPPY CLIENTS, New Clients, received information about our disney trip, packed some boxes for the move in my messy house, gave my cute dogs not 1 but 3 baths today because they insisted on going out in the rain. Got my kids off the bus and talk to them about their days, Made them dinner, worked, cleaned, and then went to workout! Their were ups and downs throughout my day. GUESS WHAT!!!! That is LIFE!!!! I am a real person. I will not fake it for you to feel better. So, if you look beyond a 5 second post, some gossip that you have heard, or even stop for a minute to realize that not every person is going to like every thing you like or say then you can look forward and look at Me and Many others that you dont know! You are not your past. However, your past has made you the person you are today! I will never forget where I have come from. Not because I am some broken person but because I am a better person because of everything in my life before today! I have many blessings in my life right now! I personally feel it is bragging to post them all the time! I dont blame others who do that is who they are. I am just not one to do that. I know I am very lucky! I would love to show a 100 images a day of my new home, talk about GMP all the time, GUSH over my kids, brag about a day at the spa, or working out but I just dont do that. Honestly, someone would have a problem with that! I have had it happen before. People were aggrevated because I talked about working out all the time. So, my point is I post what I feel. Maybe It is what I am feeling for only that 5 seconds or maybe it is something on my mind for longer. My point is... BELIEVE ME! If I am posting it on FACEBOOK.... It isnt that big a deal! When it is SERIOUS YOU WILL KNOW> I GET VERY QUIET! Then, you can worry!!! Some of you will have a reaction to this post... I know that. I am not MAD AT ANYONE! This is not posted for one certain person! This is a general Open letter about what I am feeling!.... So, facebook friends and those who just follow me! Enjoy my posts, enjoy my images, and relax. Know I am just a girl, with kids, and a husband, who lives day by day a crazy busy life! Sometimes I smile sometimes I cry but the sun will come out tomorrow! Lifes too short to worry about my boring facebook posts:)
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:03:35 +0000

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