My October, 2014 Somos Primos article. Filipinos in Mexico by - TopicsExpress


My October, 2014 Somos Primos article. Filipinos in Mexico by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D. by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D. somosprimos/sp2014/spoct14/spoct14.htm#THE PHILIPPINES There are not much detailed written articles regarding Filipinos in Mexico in cyberspace. There are, however, many pictures of Filipinos in Mexico in several websites. The only source in cyberspace that has an article specifically on our important presence in that country is from Wikipedia. Filipino_immigration_to_Mexico Wikipedia cites two sources, but trying to copy was not possible. Their reply. We would like to show you a description here but the sites won’t allow us. Wikipedia also states that it needs scientific citations to ensure that its article on Filipinos in Mexico can be fully appreciated. I just hope that my article in the Somos Primos Magazine will challenge and embolden many of my paisanos especially those living in Mexico to start writing more about our people there. It can not be denied that this subject matter is very important particularly for the Philippines and also Mexico as it too recognises its cultural diversity like many countries in the world . The first Filipinos in Mexico were documented to have arrived and resided in Morro Bay in California on October 18, 1587. California at that time was part of Mexico which was a colony of Spain.…/filipino-americans-celeb…. This article can also be a short sequel to my Somos Primos article. somosprimos/sp2012/spnov12/spnov12.htm#THE PHILIPPINES First Filipinos in America landed in Morro Bay But before I proceed writing on this subject matter, let me give a brief history of Mexico starting from the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo signed by the US and Mexico and then the Gadsden purchase in 1854 which has reduced Mexico to its present size. We learnt starting from our parents and from our history classes in school that on October 12, 1492, an Italian explorer by the name of Cristofero Colombo or Christopher Columbus came to America when his ship landed in the West Indies, making him the discoverer of America according to the European historical journals. America is described as a continent that extends from Canada in the north to Chile and Argentina in the south. Mexico became an independent country in 1821 via the Treaty of Córdoba in Spain after an 11 years of struggle against Spain. A brief period of monarchy (1821–23), called the First Mexican Empire, was followed by the founding of the Republic of Mexico in 1824. Mexico has since embraced the federal form of government like its northern neighbours, the United States and Canada. Before Mexico became independent, the US, which had declared its independence in 1776, was already moving westward to acquire additional territories. In 1803, the USA purchased Louisiana and other French territories in America for 50 million francs ($11,250,000). The Louisiana purchase agreement also cancelled the debts owed by France to the USA worth 18 million francs ($3,750,000) making the purchase increase to $15,000,000 around 4 cents per acre (In 2013, the $15,000,000 amount was worth $236,000,000- or less than 42 cents per acre.). The Louisiana land purchase included all of present-day 1) Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska; 2) parts of Minnesota that were west of the Mississippi River; 3) most of present day North and of South Dakota; 4) northeastern New Mexico and northern Texas; 5) portions of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado east of the Continental Divide; and Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. The purchase also included small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Acquiring a vast of land in the middle of the present day United States from the French had not stopped the former from acquiring more territories. In 1831 the Adams-Onis Treaty signed between the US and Spain set the US northern boundary on the 42nd parallel north. The Treaty gained more territory for the United States by the Spanish cession of East Florida, the abandonment of the controversy over West Florida (a portion of which had been seized by the United States), and defining a boundary with the Spanish province of Mexico that clearly made Texas a part of Mexico, thus clarifying the exact boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. Spain also abandoned its claims to the Oregon Country. In terms of monetary involvement on this treat, the USA agreed to pay its citizens claims against Spain up to $5 million. C3%ADs_Treaty For the provisions of the treaty refer to: Not still done with the acquisition of more territories, the U.S. military forces seized control of California and New Mexico commencing the Mexican-American War in 1846. Emerging victorious in that war the U.S. was therefore able to acquire in 1848 via the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo a large tract of land north of Mexico--- half a million square miles-- which included California, the northern part of the current states of New Mexico and Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and Texas in return for a payment of $15,000,000 to Mexico by the United States. The desire to add more territories kept on going. On December 20, 1853, the USA acquired through Gadsden Purchase a 29,640-square-mile (76,800 km) of territory which comprised the present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico . This agreement was initiated by James Gadsden, the American ambassador to Mexico at the time, in 1853. The purchase price was $10,000,000. The Gadsden Purchase treaty between Mexico and the US was later signed by US President Franklin Pierce on April 25, 1854 and Mexico finally approved it on June 8, 1854. The purchase added new territory to the USA which included the cities of Yuma, Tucson, and Sierra Vista in the south of Arizona, and 1/3 of present southwest New Mexico. See also and… With the Gadsden Purchase, the Mexican territory had finally been reduced to more than half of its former size after it gained its independence. The USA on the other hand had become bigger in size after the Gadsden purchase but it was still unable to control its desire to acquiring more territories. It therefore took Puerto Rico from Spain during the Spanish-American war in 1898 and later sailed to the Pacific Ocean to conquer more lands from Spain which included the Philippines. Now we are ready to discuss the topic of this article which is Filipinos in Mexico. The Filipinos have continued to come to Mexico after they arrived at Morro Bay in 1587 and the Spanish galleon trade had since facilitated that travel to and their residence in Mexico. From 1565 and 1815, many Filipinos and Mexicans sailing to and from Mexico and the Philippines were sailors, crews, slaves, prisoners, adventurers and soldiers in the Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade which assisted Spain in its flourishing commercial venture between Asia and the Americas. Some of these sailors were said to have never returned to the Philippines. Wikipedia states that based on non-scientific data there are 200,000 Filipinos which is roughly 0.2% of the Mexican population and they are largely concentrated in the states of Michoacan, Guerrero, and Colima. Most Filipinos settled in and became integrated into the Mexican society. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries some Filipinos were reported to have migrated to Mexico as refugees from Spain during the Spanish-American war and the time of Generalissimo Francisco Francos regime. The Filipinos were reported to be descendants of Filipino and Filipino mestizo settlers who migrated to Spain after the Spanish-American war --1898-1900. About 20,000 Filipino farm labourers and fishermen arrived to work in the Mexican west coast. The areas included Baja California, Sonora and Sinaloa while some waited to enter the United States to reunite with their families in many Filipino American communities in California, and other states. It is also reported that Mexican immigration law has continued to grant special status for Filipinos, resulting in the immigration of 100,000 Filipinos to Mexico from 1970 to 2005. Their descendants were found in large communities particularly in the state of Guerrero, and Colima. Most of these individuals are said to be of mixed blood peoples, and trace half or a quarter of their ancestry and origin back to the Philippines during the Manila-Acapulco Galleon period. They are: Isidoro Montes de Oca - Mexican General and Lieutenant commander of Vicente Guerrero when the latter was leading the revolution for independence against Spain before he became President of Mexico. Guerrero in Spanish means warrior.Vicente Guerrero was the offspring of of an African slave mother and a mestizo father. He was the first black president of Mexico in 1829. His name became thereafter the name of a town in the state of Durango. See,_Durango Francisco Mongoy - Military commander of Vicente Guerrero. asiafinest/forum/lofiversion/index.php /t201054.html Alejandro Gómez Maganda - Governor of Guerrero (1951-1954). Maganda is a non-Hispanic word. It is a Tagalog (Philippine) word for beautiful. Then in 1849 a state of Guerrero was created in Mexico. It was carved out of territories from the states of Mexico, Puebla and Michoacán. Please note that the three above Mexicans of Filipino ancestry had Guerrero connection. Google has all their pictures and they are too lengthy to attach in this article. Lili Rosales - Representative of Mexico in the Reina Hispanoamericana.2011 beauty contest. Here are her pictures https://google/search?q=lili+rosales+filipino&new window =1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=F3EMV NuIcGO8g GBloGgDw&ved=0CDcQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=622 Que preciosa mujer! Today, newly arrived Filipinos are overseas or contract workers who came to Mexico to obtain employment. Most of these individuals speak at least one of the Philippine languages. There are also Filipino tourists and students in Mexico. I first visited Mexico for the first time as a tourist together with my parents in the 1986 and spent our time in Cancún, Isla Mujeres (my father always told me that the correct name should be Islas de Las Mujeres which I agreed but I told him that time that it was the choice of the Mexicans to call their island that name), and visiting that famous Mayan temple at Chichen Itsa in the Yucatan province. I note this account in my Somos Primos article. See somosprimos/sp2012/spoct12/spoct12.htm# THE%20PHILIPPINES As I already mentioned, many websites of Filipinos in Mexico are more into displaying pictures, especially students, of their presence in that country. Again I am looking forward for a writer including our Filipinos in Mexico to contribute articles and most importantly a book to describe our detailed account of their presence in that country. As you can discern from this article I appear to have more detailed historical account on the US territorial expansion after gaining independence in 1776 than my article on Filipinos in Mexico. bing/images/search q=filipinos+in+mexico&qpvt=Filipinos+in+Mexico&FORM=IGRE#view= detail&id=7A5B39329AB020186FD417F4313EB8A4DB10F791&selectedIndex=6…/images;_ylt=AwrBTzcXyQhUE… RrdDdxBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ3NV8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-261&va= filipinos+in+mexico https://google/search… Our country has become more popular recently to many Mexicans and Latin Americans lately because of Manny Pacquiao, the world boxing champion who is also a current member of the Philippine Congress. My Latin American friends always mention to me when we see each others Manny Pacquiao whose boxing prowess they admire so much. I had conveyed and continue to convey to my Hispanic friends and acquaintances other significant facts that will extend their knowledge of the Philippines beyond the realm of sports. With regards to urging my people to write about our presence in Mexico, I hope that the famous and well established Mexicans of Filipino ancestry mentioned above would and should again be their inspiration and guiding spirit to do so. Last, I would like to note here that the month of October is the birthday of my number 2 son Eddnard-Plácido who will turn 7 years old on October 6. It is also the birthday of my father Plácido Calderón who was born on October 5. Last month was my oldest sons birthday on the 10th. I forgot to note that birthday in my being in America for half a century article on Somos Primos last month. Enjoy the September 15 through October 15, 2014 Hispanic celebration mis primos! Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mozambican War of Independence was an armed conflict between Portugal and the guerrilla forces of the Mozambique Liberation Front. It began on September 25, 1964, and ended with a cease fire on September 8, 1974. The war erupted from unrest and frustration amongst many indigenous Mozambican popu…
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:00:18 +0000

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