My PERSONAL thoughts on Obamacare. Sorry if I went off on a rant, - TopicsExpress


My PERSONAL thoughts on Obamacare. Sorry if I went off on a rant, but Im so sick of hearing about it. Please post your thoughts and ideas. I would like to know what YOURS are. This is a WE country and if it was an I country...we wouldnt be here today. We probably wouldnt have even been BORN! Imagine the horrible conditions that Washington and his men had to endure and the unimaginable obstacles that they had to overcome JUST to TRY and win our freedom and independence and if it wasnt for Washington and his men and with a little bit of luck from the weather...we would STILL be under English rule and NOT have the freedoms we have today (or what we are SUPPOSE to have today) and still have a chance to take this country back. Are we going to just surrender and give up to ruthless dictator, his rogue government and let them continue to break an already broken system? ARE WE!!!??? First off, where does the mainstream news get all these polls? Have you ever taken part in one of these imaginary polls? I havent ONCE been invited to a poll via mail, e-mail, phone call, internet, knock on the door or otherwise and yet they SAY that Americans are divided 50-50 on Obamacare and hundreds of thousands have signed up for it and are happy with it.Thats a straight up, blatant LIE! Name 10! Where do they get these polls? I have done some polls of my own and I still have yet to find a single person that has either...signed up for, has it or likes it. Obamacare is DOOMED! 160,000 people signed up for it the first week and even if THAT number were to continue everyday (which it wont and it hasnt) it would take 16 years to get everyone signed up AND only 1.2 Million by the deadline, assuming that number continues and there are no more glitches. Everyone I HAVE heard from is NOT benefiting from it. They are being fined LESS than the cost AND nobody wants to MADE to have a healthcare plan against their will and against their rights under the constitution to be free from dictatorship and having a government impose themselves and their crazy laws down our throats against our will. THEY work for US. We pay THEM. And if its so great, why arent THEY on it? Why are they going door to door BEGGING people to sign up and now they even PAID the Raven football team to sell it. Theres MORE $ on the plan, MORE $ on the website, MORE $ on the American taxpayer and MORE $ on the national debt. Obamacare is a socialistic health care that NOBODY wants and they lied, lied, lied about it from day one! They said it wouldnt cost Americans a dime more...the lie detector test determined THAT was a lie! They said it was affordable...the lie detector test determined THAT was a lie! LIES! LIES! LIES! The American people and the American taxpayer are tired of being lied to and they are tired of this corrupt, rogue government and muslim President doing what they want against will of the American people and this Obamacare crap is getting old and every single person who voted on it should be thrown in prison for contempt against the constitution and contempt against their oath to uphold and protect it and us...the American people! Communism and tyranny at its best. We fought off the redcoats and the king of England for a lot less than this and if the government and the dictator in thief keep it up there is gonna be another revolution. It doesnt help with the media selling this crap like some drug pusher in some alley in the projects either. Obamacare WILL fail and it will only sink us further into debt and divide Americans even further than what we are now. This is NOT good...not GOOD at ALL! Very bad things are gonna happen and very bad things are waiting around the corner. Watch and see! The bottom line is...if you want Obamacare ...go get it. If you dont want Obamacare...then DONT go get it. People shouldnt be MADE to do something against their own will. There is something seriously wrong with this picture and I for one am not going to stand for it! If someone tries to make me do something against my the very least, theyre gonna get punched in their face as hard as I can possibly hit them. Government included! If you go to the emergency room for an injury or an illness, they HAVE to treat you. If you DONT have health insurance or can not afford to pay the bill... they STILL have to treat you. They send you a bill and if you can pay it or pay ON it...then fine! If you can not...oh well. They put it on your credit report. Big deal! Why should everyone have a clean credit report? Some people just cant afford to pay their bills and some people will just have to have bad credit and some people might just have to figure out how to survive WITHOUT a white picket fence and a flawless credit report. you might have to drive a used car and rent an apartment instead of owning a house. You might have to go to the food pantry to eat and you know might just have to do without just like everyone else. If you arent able to meet your own means because of whatever reason then welcome to the real world. If someone can afford healthcare just so they dont have an outstanding medical bill thatll ruin their credit and they wont be able to own a credit card or buy a new car or house then TOUGH! You dont get to take that crap with you when you die anyhow. youll leave this world with the same thing you came into it with...nothing! INCLUDING Obamacare!Who the Hell can afford medical care ANYHOW? People are counting change to put gas in their cars to get to their part time job. Its PART TIME because they got demoted there BECAUSE of Obamacare. 1-3 Americans now rely on food stamps just to eat every night while Obama continues to fund the muslim brotherhood, fund Egypt, fund terrorist groups ALL while wearing his ring that says There is no God, except Allah in Arabic. He spent $80 BILLION on a spying facility and THAT ALONE is enough to give us ALL free healthcare for quite some time and if you add up all the $ he is spending on these endless, unnecessary wars...we would ALL have FREE health care coverage for LIFE!They fail to mention what happens if you DONT sign up and you DONT pay the fine. Ill tell you though. They seize your income tax return. They seize your assets. They take it from your bank. They suspend ALL your licenses...drivers, professional, hunting, fishing...ANYTHING they can and on top of THAT, if your child goes to the doctor...the doctor can ask your child WITHOUT your permission or you being present if there are ANY guns in the home and if that child says they come. ALSO, they fail to mention anything about the forced home invasions without a search warrant if you sign up for Obamacare. Hmmm. Sounds to me like we have a dictator and an out of control, rogue government . This country is one step away from being Nazi Germany and your illegal alien muslim dictor in thief and all his muslim and islamic czars are one step away from Hitler 2013!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:50:32 +0000

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