My Paintball Manifesto. 1. First played in 1986. American Airgun - TopicsExpress


My Paintball Manifesto. 1. First played in 1986. American Airgun Games. Coram, Long Island 2. First marker ever used was a Nelspot 007 w/ speed pump. 3. Uvex goggles were the only eye protection back then. And camo grease paint to protect your face 4. Woodstalker Face mask came later. Still have my original one. 5. I worked and or played paintball just about every weekend for over 10 years. 6. I am a hired gun. I would play for or with just about anyone. And for a long time my gear never left my car... You just never knew when a game was going to break out. 7. I have in fact shot frozen paintballs, chocolate whoppers candies, and yes even pop corn out of my marker at one time or another. 8. Some of my best friends that I have today, I made 25 years ago playing when I started playing paintball. 9. The vast majority of my original gear, I still own today. Some stuff has shrunk in storage, been sold off, given away, traded, or lost to time and the dreaded lending to someone never to be seen again.... 10. Some of my best memories over the past 25 years have been being broke, not having enough money to pay bills, eat normal meals, but come game day you spare no expense. I have slept soaking wet and stinking in my car after playing due to not having a better option..... 11. I still get excited about getting my gear together for a weekend of playing. Talking to my buddies about gear, mods, and what we are bringing to the game. 12. Travel an hour to work during the week is a pain in the ass...Spend 6 hours to drive to an event is an adventure.... Getting there is always half the fun. 13. I can load my car as if playing Tetris. Everything has its place. From shoes, to coolers, to the grill and your 15 gear bags that MUST go with you.... Loaded and unloaded 20 times before you get it correct. 14. Feeling like a kid every time I step on the field. I never want to not feel that sensation. 15. High Tech, Low Tech. It is all the same game. Put paint on the opponent, take more ground then you give, and save your paint for the final push to end the game. There is always a final push.... 16. Do yard work for 2 hours and are exhausted the rest of the day. Feel like you cant move the rest of the day. Play paintball for an entire day... Feel like you can run a mile by the time the day ends and you start packing up to drive home.... 17. The drive home. Stopping to get some food and talk about the heroics of the day.... Who shot who? and How many times.... Never gets old... 18. Trying to get out of your car when you get home and move, i feel like someone beat me with a tire iron tied to a hammer... a heavy one.... Like I am moving in slow pain riddled motion. And now it is time to unpack the car. 19. Unloading always takes 3 times as long as loading does... For some strange reason. Cleaning the gear, laundry, and packing things away... okay you can skip two of those things (i have done so many times before)... and no one will judge you.... Smelly, stinky, and dirty clothers is a badge of courage, as is your marker that looks like a modern art master piece at the end of the day. 20. Post game shower and clean up and seeing all the marks from where you got shot and had no clue... I dont even remember getting hit there.... and the nasty black colored snot that you blow out of your nose.... yes it isnt just you. It happens to all of us.... and it is nasty. like a science experiment gone wrong... I hope you can add more stuff that I have left out. But these are my personal favorite memories. I am sure you can all relate. And even a bad day of paintball is better than a good day of golf..... =)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:28:37 +0000

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