My Partee, Country be Damned I had to suffer through reading - TopicsExpress


My Partee, Country be Damned I had to suffer through reading every contribution on the issue of the purchase of a residential property to house the SSDF offices to distill a few pertinent points. First and foremost SLAP has become, in the main, a government propagana page there is no question about that. They allow a few thinking persons just to make it seem a little less so. Government agents, operatives, and hacks are embedded on the page to muddy the waters when a topic of national import such as this one is being discussed and the prevailing sentiments are not favourable to the government. The mischief makers zeroed in on the fact that the offices are for the STEP headquarters and a misguided reference to a shack for selling floats being erected next. I am sure in hindsight the person who originated the topic would reconsider this misguided statement as it provided a pretext for the discussion to be derailed and the big picture and the important issue totally ignored. The strategy is obsfucation, deflection, and veiled and real some cases reminiscent of the tactics of Joseph Goebbells of the Third Reich. There are people who hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil when it comes to de partee. That is expected if their begging bowl is being replenished ever so often with spoils. They masquarade as patriots but we know differently because if you are prepared to defend the indefensible to protect your self interest you do not care if the country goes to hell and YOU ARE NOT A PATRIOT. There are a few who try hard to present a semblance of fairness and they have to walk on egg shells to do so but hey I understand the modus operandi of ruling regimes get out of line and they kick your begging bowl out the door. So they proceed with extreme causion because they would not put the welfare of their family in jeopardy to play hero.That is tantamount to economic blackmail and tyranny. Some get angry with you in such a manner that if it was possible to punch you through the computer screen they would because you ask the hard questions, you prod, you poke, you refuse to be cowered into silence. You will not be mollified, pacified, or let your intelligence be insulted because of fealty to party. We all want a better country but some of us are just satisfied with the change of actors and as long as any malfeasance is not as blatant as the last set or as egregious. But the true patriot will not just cast his vote and stand pat he will be in a state of eternal vigilance and continued involvement. He demands accountability and transparency and for his government to be better stewards of our patrimony. Dont hate, participate. It is the desire of every government to retain power but they can only do so by our consent. It is by virtue of their performance in advancing the common good, the protection of our rights, growing the economy, the equitable sharing of the national pie, and the provision of good governance among other things they earn our consideration for a return to office. Those who think that this is too much to ask of our government need to rethink their priorities. Today marks the 35th anniversary of the catastrophic Grenada revolution some of you were yet born and some too young to know the genisis of it. But it was because of apathy and indifference it was allowed to germinate. The then Prime Minister, Eric Gary, abrogated the peoples rights, unleashed a terrorist mongoose gang on them in his efforts to stifle opposition and remain in power through fear and intimidation. He was ousted by a bloodless coup but the communist government which succeded him imploded resulting in death, war, and mayhem. The lesson in all this is that the rights, freedoms, and privileges we all enjoy today were fought for by our forefathers and we would be dishonouring them if we let them be eroded or taken away from us because we placed party before country. We must understand that politicians have a shelf life and when they become irrelevant or too big for their britches will you be able to exercise the courage of your conictions? But the more serious concern would be will there be a better altenative. Stay conscious my loyal readership.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:52:43 +0000

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