My People are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge Because You Have - TopicsExpress


My People are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge Because You Have Rejected Knowledge, I Also will Reject You Hosea 4:6 Much has been said and written about the Christian and his walk in the Holy Spirit. There is much controversy about this topic and different interpretations by men of God as to how to appropriate this blessing to our lives. As we approach the end times it becomes more apparent that there is a great need to understand, what God is doing, in these last days, so that we will not be caught unaware on that day, because of a lack of Knowledge. As believers, if we want to go on with the Lord, we have to be open to what the Lord is doing in these last days, or we will be destroyed because we have rejected the knowledge that God has given us, of what He is saying to God’s people. In order to understand the Christian walk fully as it is revealed to us in the New Testament, we have to look at it in conjunction with the Old Testament and God’s leading and dealings with the children of Israel. Heb. 10:1 says that the Law is “a shadow of good things to come.” Also, Col. 2:17 says that the holidays (feasts) and Sabbaths are a shadow of things to come. The obvious thing to do then, if we want to see what the Things to Come are all about, is to look at the Old Testament dealings of God with His people of Israel which is the shadow. (A shadow gives us a dim outline of the real thing.) I would like to take you through some of the dealings of God with His children, the Israelites, and relate their experiences to the Christian walk. As we look at these experiences we will see that it is a three fold experience, not only one or two. And they must follow in a certain sequence, just like the experiences that the Israelites had, and we cannot skip any one of them, to reach the fullness of what God has for us. The Israelites dwelt under bondage to the task masters, as does every sinner live under bondage to Satan. John 8:44 1st Experience The blood of the Lamb that was slain was applied to the door posts and lintels to save the Israelites from the death angel. In the same way, the blood of Jesus, (who is the Lamb) applied to our heart, saves us from eternal death, (1 John 1:17) which was to be our lot, but are now saved, because God sees the blood and the death angel passes over us. (our salvation) Rom.5:12. The crossing of the Red Sea, leaving Egypt and slavery behind, and heading for a new land of promise, represents the Christian repenting and turning from his old life of sin unto a new life ahead, leaving the old and turning to the new.2 Cor. 5:7. 2nd Experience The Israelites came to Mount Sinai where they experienced God in a very real and powerful way. They are sanctified by Moses (Exd. 19:10, 14,16-25) and Moses received the Ten Commandments from God for the children of Israel. (Exodus 20) (Pentecost) .This experience is for the Christian, as Christ baptizes him or her with the Holy Spirit, and creates in them the power to live the new life, and be a witness.Matt.3:11 3rd Experience This experience is still future, because at this time Jesus has not fulfilled this feast as He has the first and second feasts. The Israelites passed over the Jordan river to posses the land that God had promised them. Duet. 9:1, Josh. 1:2-5, Josh. 3: 14 – 17. For the Christian, this experience is to become an over- comer, possessing all the territory that was once ruled by Satan, but is now to be conquered by the Christian through faith, but not until the Jesus has baptized us with the fire. (He that comes after me shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. M’t 3:11) This is a secret appearing of Christ to fulfill the day of atonement. Another shadow that we see in the Old Testament is the Tabernacle in the wilderness. This Tabernacle of Moses is a picture of the church of Jesus Christ in detail and also a picture, or shadow of the steps of a Christian’s walk as he grows in his spiritual life with God. The Tabernacle was in three divisions, (as is our growth in Christ) namely, the Outer Court, The Holy Place, and The Holy of Holies. The only way into the Tabernacle was through the gate that took you into the Outer Court. As you entered into this main gate you approached the Brazen Alter where the sin offering was sacrificed for the covering of sins for the people. Next there was the Laver of water where everyone that went on into the Holy Place had to wash to be cleansed before entering into the Holy Place. 1st Experience In the same way, as you start your journey through life as a believer, you have to approach Jesus Christ who was the offering for your sins and apply His salvation to your life. He washed our sins away and we were baptized into the Body of Christ. 2nd Experience Next we have the Holy Place with it’s furniture. The Golden Candle Stick is one of the main pieces of furniture and it speaks of the Holy Spirit that will lead us into all truth as Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. 3rd Experience Next we have the Holy of Holies, which only the High Priest could enter, and only once a year. This is the experience that we as Christians are looking forward to, when we will posses the land and enter into the thousand year reign. There is therefore no other way then what Jesus said of Himself, “I am the Way( saved, outer court) the Truth ( Holy Spirit, Holy Place) and the Life, (overcomers, Holy of Holies) no one can come to the Father but by Me.” John 14:6 One of the most exciting studies that we can do is the feasts that the Israelites where commanded to keep. Here again we have a shadow of what god wants to do in the church of Jesus Christ, or the Christian’s walk through their spiritual journey. There were three main feasts that the Israelites kept each year. The Feast of PassOver was held on the 14th day of the first month to commemorate the exodus from Egypt. Lev. 23:6. Next we have the Feast of Pentecost held on the sixth day of the third month (June) to commemorate the giving of the Law Lev.23:16. Next we have several feasts all in the seventh month (October), starting with the Blowing of Trumpets on the first day. (Lev.23:24) On the tenth shall be A Day of Atonement. (Lev. 23;27) “You shall afflict your souls” Vr. 29. “For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted, in that same day he shall be cut off from among his people.” ( read vs. 30-32) “The same soul will be destroyed from among his people.”-vs. 30. Then on the 15th day they held the Feast of Tabernacles, which lasted until the 22nd day for a total of eight days. Lev. 23:36- as a thanksgiving for the harvest. Again we want to apply these feasts as they relate to the Christian experience. The first two feasts are in the past, and as we look back we can easily see that the feast of Passover is our salvation experience as Christ died on the very day that the Jews celebrated this feast. As we receive Christ into our life through faith, we are entering into the outer court of the Tabernacle of Moses, which is our salvation and we are on our spiritual walk of faith with God. On the day of Pentecost some of the followers of Jesus were gathered in the upper room praying, and obeying the Lords instructions, not to leave Jerusalem, till they had received the power from on high which He promised them that they would receive. Of the 500 who heard Him giving these instructions only 120 believed or responded to Him or thought it necessary to obey Him. As they were gathered and praying, Jesus Christ baptized them with the Holy Spirit of God. (Acts 1:5 and 2:4) The number 120 stands for end of all flesh and from this time on the Spirit took over. Again it was on the very day that the Jews were celebrating Pentecost that the 120 were baptized with the Holy Spirit. This is the second experience that every Christian can and should receive as Jesus wants to baptize every believer with God’s Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:13) We have now moved along the way from the Outer Court of salvation to the Holy Place in the Tabernacle of Moses, where the Holy Spirit leads us on in power and truth. The third group of feasts (Tabernacles) is still future as it relates to the Church, and we cannot look back to the scriptures as they relate to our Christian experience, like we clearly can with our salvation and Holy Spirit baptism experiences. Therefore we now see through a glass as dimly, however the first two experiences shed some light on what we might expect. Just as the first two experiences fell on the very day that the Jews celebrated these feasts, we can also expect this third (Feast of Tabernacles) and last experience in our spiritual walk to be fulfilled on the very day that the Jews celebrate the day of Atonement. However we do not know in which year, but it will be before the end of this millennium. (2000 is not correct, it is 2030?) We could be in the blowing Feast of Trumpets at this very hour, as this is the proclaiming of the nearness of the last days of this millennium, and that sinners must repent, and that Christians must prepare for the great ingathering of the harvest. This Feast of Tabernacles experience ushers us into the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses. The Day of Atonement, which means to cover, is the kind of covering that a husband gives his wife in a marriage relationship.- 1Cor. 11:3-7. The wife takes on the name of her husband. It is therefore a very significant event as it relates to the marriage feast of the bridegroom, which is Jesus Christ and His bride-the bride of Christ. Praise the Lord! What an hour to live in! Unless we afflict our souls, (this has to do with our motive, attitudes-dying to self) “we shall be cut off from among His people” Lev.23:29-30.Matt. 24:40-41. Not all who say “Lord, Lord will enter in, but he who does the will of the Father.” (overcomers) There is a church within a church, not all the church will be part of the bride of Christ on that day. Only those who have gone through all three experiences will be part of the Bride of Christ. (no man can judge another, only God knows the heart) The Bride of Christ will be protected during the great tribulation, all others will have to go through this tribulation that is coming upon the whole world. Many will lose their life, and be martyred by refusing to take the mark of the beast and will be raised up at the first resurrection, and then together with Christ’s bride we will reign and rule together with Christ for one thousand years. Rev.20:4 The Feast of Tabernacles (ingathering) was a thanksgiving for the harvest, and it lasted from the 15th day to the 22nd day of the seventh month. During this time we will see a great ingathering of souls. The parable that Jesus told in Luke 14:16 about the man that prepared a great supper is speaking about this very day. There were many that this man bade to come, but those He bade were concerned about their own activities, like buying land, oxen, etc. or getting married and were not concerned about the invitation. This speaks to us as Christians. The Lord is preparing this great marriage feast for the Bride and bidding us to be ready to take part in this feast. However many of us are going to be too busy with our own worldly activities, concerned about our day to day things rather then seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and therefore will miss out on what God has for us. When the Lord’s invited quests refused to attend or asked to be excused from attending, He was angry, with them and sent His servant (Holy Spirit) to go quickly, into the streets and lanes to bring in the poor, maimed, halt, lame and blind. These are the poor in spirit, backsliders, and societies rejects that will turn to the Lord. When the house was still not full, the servants were told to go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in. These are people from all over the world, from the jungles of Africa and India to the streets of America and Canada, who have never heard the good News of the Kingdom. They will be compelled to come in, “that my house may be full,” says the Lord. (God’s house) This feast of ingathering will be the greatest ingathering (revival) that the world has ever seen. It is the result of the holiness and righteousness that the bride has experienced, through the union to Christ. When Jesus said “Greater works then this shall you do,” He was referring to these last days, when the Church empowered with the same powers that Christ has ,will go all over the earth proclaiming the Kingdom of God, preaching the gospel and healing the sick. Nothing can stop them, just as they could not stop Jesus. This is the third experience and it has to do with being an overcomer, and entering into the Holy of Holies and living that full abundant life, that God wants for all of us to have with Him. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6 Last but not least, we have Jesus himself as our example. Jesus was born of the Spirit- Matt.1:20. In the same way every Christian most be born of the Spirit. (John 3:3) When Jesus was thirty years old He was baptized in the Jordan river, and as He came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. He was endued with power to do the works of God and in the same way every Christian can receive this Baptism with the Holy Spirit. In fact, he most receive it to do the works of God effectively. Acts 1:8. Jesus died on the cross and gave up His rights that we might have life through His death. Although we cannot die the way Jesus did, (for our salvation) we can die to the self life and give up our rights (overcome self-centered motives and attitudes) That we might reign and rule with Him, here on earth, (not in heaven.) and live the abundant life. The Christian life is not a one step experience, but it is a three step experience that does not come in a one package deal, but we most experience these steps and appropriate them to our lives through faith, for “ without faith it is impossible to please God,” But James says that faith without works is dead. James 2:17 We are at the end of the Last Days of this Age. It is a few minutes to the midnight hour of the sixth day. The seventh day is at hand which is the Sabbath Day of One Thousand Years (2030?) Let us watch and pray lest we too will experience what the five foolish virgins experienced and not be ready when the Bride-Groom comes. The five wise virgins had the extra vessels with oil. Matt. 25:4 ( baptism w/ Holy Spirit) and went in to the marriage with the bridegroom.- (Matt.25:10) and will be kept safe in the wilderness during the three and one half years of tribulation. Rev. 12: 6&14. The five foolish were not prepared (no extra oil) when the Bridegroom came and could not take part in the marriage feast, but will have to go through the tribulation (3 ½ yrs.) that shall come upon the whole world. They will have to lay down there life by refusing to take the mark of the beast. (666) Rev.12:17 13:7, 20:4. Therefore let us “press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:14
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 09:10:58 +0000

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