My Personal Message To The New Zealand Government and All - TopicsExpress


My Personal Message To The New Zealand Government and All Politicians ...Please Read and Absorb because My opinion is Shared among the General populous of NZ ... I was disgusted with Your Behaviour Mr John Key Prime Minister and Peter Cunliff the Opposition party leader Labour party ...You were supposed to Talk Together Over Our Concerns and You did Not Deliver anything feasible to the Table .All you did ( the both of you ) was talk over each other . Your behaviour is exactly like a couple of Boys in a sandpit arguing the Toss with each other .We the Public are Not interested in your Bickering and putting each other down ,no wonder we the Public are bemused and bewildered .You PM Key have no Respect at all for anyone let alone the Opposition .You Mr Cunliff should have told the PM to be more respectful .Michael Hoskins you are a pathetic Forum Leader ,it is your duty to get each person to Talk ,un interrupted ,I was frustrated and Angered at your lack of Intellectual professional expertise .My Vote is not with either of the national Party or the Labour party . You both need to Listen to The Public A lot more ,respect each other a lot more without interrupting and Tell us what we dont know about Your own parties not criticize each Other .
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:37:56 +0000

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