My Problems With the Jonathanians - By Okoi Obono-Obla - November - TopicsExpress


My Problems With the Jonathanians - By Okoi Obono-Obla - November 7, 2014 My problem with the supporters of President Good luck Jonathan ;( I call them “Jonathanians”) is that they are always giving excuses or striving to rationalise the glaring failure of governance in the country under the Jonathan’s presidency. When they are not blaming Muslims and Northerners for the failure of governance in the country under President Jonathan; they are putting the blame on former President Olusegun Obasanjo. When they are not blaming APC and opposition they are busy blaming everybody except President Jonathan. Jonathanians are noted for their uncouth behaviour. They are intemperate in their use of the language. They are vulgar. The Jonathanians are incredibly petty. The Jonathanians are intolerant. They readily whip up religious and sectional and ethnic sentiments to justify the bumbling incompetence of President Jonathan. They insult, abuse, defame and threaten anybody that dares to criticise President Jonathan. To the Jonathanians, we should all shut up despite the fact that the country is falling apart; the economy is floundering; there is no electricity; crumbling infrastructure; mindless corruption and stealing of public funds; there is massive and chaotic unemployment; grinding poverty and the insurgency is daily breaching the territorial integrity of the country. According to the gospel of the nosed hard Jonathanians, we should not blame Jonathan for the sad state of the country but his detractors, APC, Opposition, Northerners, and Muslims etc. Listen to former Minister of the Niger Delta, Elder Godsdays Orubebe trying to pass the blame for the failure of the Federal Government under President Jonathan to complete the vita West-East Highway for the past five years. Orubebe said that the blame should be squarely placed on the head of former President Olusegun Obasanjo whom he said never conceived the road project to be completed! The Jonathanians are uncompromising, unrelenting, insistence, audacious, persistent and unreasonable in their defence and support of President Jonathan. In the imperviousness of the Jonathanians they are wont to defend every indefensible policy to the point of absurdity. They unreasonably even defend the numerous flip flops of the Jonathan’s presidency. They did not believe in the power of reasoning, dialogue, persuasion or seeing things from the perspective of others who are equally entitle to have opposing view or opinion. The other day, Senior Special Assistant on Public Affairs to President Jonathan, Dr. Doyin Okupe was cursing everybody, when his principal was taking on by critics, after the fall of the Mubi, the second largest town in Adamawa State to the ragtag Boko Haram. Dr. Okupe with tongue in cheek told a startled nation that the Military cannot perform because no procurement of military hard wares was undertaken for the army for the past 20 years. He forgot how much money the Federal Government under Jonathan has budgeted for defence since 2011. He forgot that we were told about two years that the Federal Government has embarked on massive procurement of military hard wares and that insurgency would soon be whipped out He forgot that the PDP has been in government for the past 15 years. The question is: why has successive PDP control Federal Government procured arms for the military for the past 15 years? The Jonathanians are amazingly and scandalously myopic and narrow-minded. They are always attacking and abusing the North forgetting that President Jonathan needs the votes of the North to win his second term bid. The Jonathanians are always antagonising, Muslims forgetting that President Jonathan needs the votes of Muslims in the country to win. They readily forgot in their emotional frenzy, that to win a presidential election in the country, a candidate must win in at least 24 States out of the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory. So the Jonathanians forget that it is harmful to the political interest of President Jonathan when they try to cast President Jonathan in the mould of a South/South President or Christian President or a Sectional president. The Constitution does not intend the President to be a Village Head or Tribal Head or Clan Head or Sectional Head. The writers of the Constitution intended a President to be a National Leader. The Constitution contemplates a President that regards and treat, the entire Country as his own Constituency. The Constitution envisages a President that will unify the country. This is indeed why the framers of the 1979 Constitution (the precursors of the 1999 Constitution), went for the presidential system of government as opposed to a parliamentary system of government. Let me tell the Jonathanians that Nigerians are fed up with their excuses or puerile rationalizations. Nigerians wants practical solutions to the myriad problems grappling and confronting the country. Nigerians are in desperate need of a leadership that will energise, galvanise, inspire and motivate them. Nigerians wants a leader that will lift them from despair to hope. Every country in history that fallen into the path that Nigeria has fallen into always desire a leadership that will lift the spirit of its people. Nigerians need a President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that rescued United States of America from the clutches of great depression and bring economic prosperity and ably led the allied forces under American leadership to victory in the Second World War. Nigeria needs General Kamal Mustapha Ataturk that changed Turkey from the Sick Man of Europe to one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. Nigerians need a Winston Churchill that saved Great Britain from the jaw of destruction by a rampaging Germany during the Second World War. Nigerian needs a Lee Kuan Yew who transformed Singapore from an economic backwater to one of the most advanced and industrialised countries in the world within a span of 50 years! Nigerians are tried and bored by excuses of the Jonathanians! Okoi Obono-Obla Stay updated with Abusidiqu, in partnership with NIGERIANEWSBEAT. Follow us on TWITTER or be our fan on FACEBOOK Do not hesitate to leave your opinion in the comment section below. To contact Abusidiqu for Article Submission and Advertisement or General inquiry, send a mail to info@abusidiqu
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 07:38:48 +0000

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