My Purpose Is Transformation Something big is happening inside me - TopicsExpress


My Purpose Is Transformation Something big is happening inside me right now. It’s been building for a while but now it is getting bigger, clearer, and I can taste it. I am making it happen right now! I can do this right now and I am always heading to my dreams. As I have mentioned before, I have been blessed and fortunate to have lived an incredible life. The interesting thing for me is that I have known all along that I am not really living up to my full potential. Now is the time for me to step and play a bigger game. It is so exciting because I know that I can do it and I know that I am doing it now! We are all born with dreams and visions. The key is to get those dreams aligned with my visions. The clearer I become about these, the more real they are becoming. A big part of this growth has been to realize that I need to take my value to the world. I know that I have a lot to offer and me playing small does not do the world any justice. It is my experience that there are many other people who are in similar situations. They want more out of life. When we can help each other to find the way to share our messages then not only do we both grow and benefit but we light the way for others to do the same. One of my mentors, Nicole Cooper, says that the key to being successful is to be transparent. Sometimes people will be who they think others want them to be. Be honest. Where have you found yourself doing things because you thought that others had certain expectations? Here is a challenge and an exercise. What is one thing that you can do tomorrow that will break out of what others are expecting of you? The parameters are that what you do has to be honest, truthful, and ethical and it cannot be done at someone else’s expense. In fact, you will probably do better if you can add to someone’s life. Many people have lost the power to believe in others. Often this is a result of losing the belief in themselves. Our job is to sew belief in others. Can you feel the power in this? Become a radical believer. Never look back with regret. Rear view mirrors are small for a reason. It is time to focus on the big windshield. A human support system will be created as we spread this support for each other. The key to success is to work more on your inner self. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You can do this by reading and listening from those who are leading the kind of life that you want. It is exciting to be associated with people who are rekindling their dreams and are taking the courage and making the efforts to create what they really want. I invite you to join me in the Empower Network. It is a community of like- minded people who are helping others to develop the inner gifts that we all possess. Go to timeandmoneyfreedomnow
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:01:03 +0000

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