My Random Thought….. I am beyond inspired from people hitting - TopicsExpress


My Random Thought….. I am beyond inspired from people hitting rock bottom and refusing to quit. I am intrigued by those who face adversity and overcome. I am always one to love to see anyone succeed whether they are born with pure talent and ability or born with struggles that make them so much stronger. I am kinda weird and read feel good stuff before i start my work week well just because Im kinda odd but anyways maybe it will pump you guys up like it does me….. Michael Jordan didnt make the high school basketball team, Einstein didnt talk until he was four and they labeled him mentally challenged, Napoleon was autistic, Walt Disney dropped out of high school and was bankrupt and never lost his dream, Thomas Edison was homeschooled after failing and falling behind, Bill Gates is believed to have Aspergers, Jim Carrey learned to make funny faces because his mom was sick in bed and was once homeless, Van Gough only sold one painting in his entire lifetime, Lincoln suffered from depression, charlize theron watched her mother kill her father in self defense yikes and there are so many others who didnt make excuses or quit trying they refused o be a victim and became a victor. At the end of my being weird and thinking and reading I realized i am always inspired by the underdog. To see someone get knocked down time and time again and to watch that person fight to be better and crawl through the trenches is just amazing to me. I am so impressed by hard work. I am convinced that God has a reason for everything and never makes any mistakes. I hope everyone has an amazing week.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:49:09 +0000

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