My Rant For The Day.... A few years ago I hit a deer, which - TopicsExpress


My Rant For The Day.... A few years ago I hit a deer, which caused considerable damage to my vehicle at the time.. Well the next day I had an appointment in Norwich and during my travel I was pulled over in North Norwich, for a blown tail light.. No big deal.. I was given a ticket and was kindly informed by the officer to simply replace the bulb at a registered repair shop, or do it myself and have an officer sign off on it to show it was repaired.. Then just mail the proof to the court. Very nice officer.. So I proceed into Norwich and before I do anything else, I stopped by Monro (My trusted mechanics at the time.) to have the bulb replaced.. I get a receipt, and the same day I drop the ticket and receipt in the mail and dont give it a second thought.. Well 3 year later, I am driving a friends vehicle, and ironically they had a blown tail light I was not aware of.. So I go through the same routine, license & registration.. Now as the officer is writing up (What I believed) was a simple blown tail light ticket, he comes back and tells me that I have a suspended license from the Town of North Norwich, so I am given a Aggravated Unlicensed Ticket on top of a blown tail light ticket.. I was pissed! Next morning I angrily call the town of North Norwich, to find out what the hell is going on.. Well apparently they claim they never received it.. I explained just as I did above, that I had it repaired and mailed the ticket and proof the very same day. Uh-Huh, Yea, we hear that a lot. Well the ticket is 125.00 plus a 70 suspension/scofflaw fee, plus a 30 court fee. $225.00 for a flipping blown bulb?! I angrily expressed again, that I mailed in the proof.. Their reply; Well did you have proof you sent it registered mail and someone signed for it? GRRR!!!! I was not told to send it registered, just to mail it in.. Well sorry, then you are going to have to pay the fine.. Needless to say I was not happy at all.. Then on top of all of this, I get nailed in Oneida court for the aggravated unlicensed ticket.. So here I am with over $500.00 in traffic fines, THAT I DID NOT DESERVE!! no license, no job, etc.. Flipping Courts!! Then I remembered; Wait I can probably get a copy of the receipt from Monro.. Sure enough, I called them and they had the original record.. That proves I had it fixed.. I called North Norwich just aching to throw it in their face.. Their response.. Well that takes care of the fine, but not the suspension fee for not answering the ticket.. Flip, Flop, Slam! No proof I mailed it to them, so I am stuck paying a $70.00 suspension fee.. Which I finally was able to pay today after more then a year! (Broke bastard).. So now the suspension should be lifted from my license and I should have my license back, right?! WRONG.. Oh they are having some issues with New York State and they are unable to access the system to remove the suspension from my license.. Unfortunately they are not expecting to have this issue resolved anytime soon.. So in the mean time, I was told I will have to carry around a receipt for the next year to show that it has been paid.. Are you flipping kidding me?! So even though I am paid, the DMV still shows (And will continue to show) a suspension on my license. AND the only people that can remove it. (The Town Of North Norwich.) had their access taken away and they are unable to access the system to remove it. What is this, some kind of flipping joke?!?!?!?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:19:45 +0000

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