My Rant For Today I have gained a new perspective on Islam from - TopicsExpress


My Rant For Today I have gained a new perspective on Islam from some You Tube videos of London England’s Islamic Imam Amjem Choudary as well as last nights 60 Minute interview with him. He like other Muslim Clerics doesn’t sugar coat his message but seemed to be truthful about the spread of Islam and its political agenda. Clarissa Ward, the reporter conducting the 60 Minute interview with Choudary stated that since Choudary was born in England and was considered a British Citizen did he recognize the laws of Britain? Choudary immediately answered no, that he only held to Sharia Law because it is the laws of Allah. Choudary went on to explain that just because he was born in Britain it didn’t make him a British Citizen anymore than being born in a barn would make him a horse, or as he has previously stated being born in a forest would not make him a tree. He stated he was born into Islam and that made him a Muslim. I guess that has to do with the name change when you become a Muslim. You probably recall Cassius Marcellus Clay becoming Muhammad Ali after becoming a Muslim. Coundary went on to say that being British, American, or German has no place in Islam just because you were born on a specific parcel of land. Where you are or where you stand is Allah’s land and anyone who claims to be British or an American Citizen or a citizen of any land is an Infidel. Therefore, where you stand is Allah’s land and is under Sharia Law. There is only the Islamic Caliphate and the people within the Caliphate are Muslims. The day is coming when there will be no Brittan, no America, no France just an Islamic Caliphate and everyone in it will be Muslim. That is the ideology of the political agenda of Muslims. That is why Muslims will never coexist with Protestant Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, Sikhs, or even the Atheist. It is only Islamic Allah’s land and everyone who stand on it must be Muslim or the land is defiled. It has become time to drop all the politically correctness and state that Muslims live and adhere to the laws of our land or get out of our country. You can’t have an Islamic State under Islamic Law in another country with its own Laws…
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:48:07 +0000

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