My Rant of the Day :) What makes someone Family. Literally - TopicsExpress


My Rant of the Day :) What makes someone Family. Literally Family?!? Genetics (Blood), Adoption and finally, a marriage. (The Bible Says the 2 become 1). I am so BLESSED to KNOW WHO I AM. Just like in days of old, the Pharisees & Sadducees are alive and well in this day and age. Their mindset teaches & pushes behavior modification. That same theory emphasizes laws, rules, regulations, traditions & SELF. Jesus Himself told them they were Like their father, the devil. He did not call them Gods children. I could go on forever why I believe like I do which is my faith. The bottom line: I KNOW who my Father is. He is God. Because of the Blood of Jesus, I have been grafted (adopted) in. My lineage NEVER changes unless I chose to emancipate myself from my Father. His promise to me is to NEVER leave nor forsake me and that NOTHING shall cause Him to lose his love for me. I am FOREVER His Child. Right now it is through what we call Faith. But 1 day it will become official, if you will, at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Jesus). Even our earthly laws recognize the status of adopted children having the same rights and authorities as those of birth children. My behavior should line up with the way my Father has raised me, because that is what He expects. When I fall short, I am not Kicked out of the family having to go through the adoption process again. Even though He is not pleased, we make up if you will, through apologies and acceptance. We NEVER stop being related. Are there times where I disappoint, even anger Him due to my behavior? Sure there are. Just like our earthly children. But they dont STOP being our children. We dont kick them out of the family. IF I love my Father, I NATURALLY want to please Him and make Him proud. I know MY behavior is and should be a reflection of his expectations. But HERE is the difference. It is THE BLOOD OF JESUS that makes GOD MY FATHER. It is NOT MY BEHAVIOR. I am disheartened to see so many Fatherless people running around because they are confused about the Christian Faith. I believe these same orphans hear more of the latter (The Pharisee Philosophy) than The Good News (Jesus Christ is our BLOOD/SAVIOR/WAY TO BECOME GODS CHILDREN). The Pharisee belief causes the orphan/unbeliever to feel unworthy, unable to measure up to the standard. And its not about US. Its about JESUS. Its about what HE accomplished on the cross. He (Jesus) has adopted us for the Father and now the same blood that flows through HIS veins, flows through ours. If I cuss in a status and say ass because I am upset some idiot ran over my grandchildrens dog and didnt bother to stop, and the next morning post that I am thankful to my Father for another day to live, it may upset you, but it does not change who I BELONG TO. It DOESNT CHANGE MY LAST NAME. I KNOW WHO I AM. I KNOW WHO MY DADDY IS. Do you?!? (End of rant). If you would like to know the Good News and how to become a son or daughter of God, please message me and I will gladly share my faith. Trust me, its not the Pharisee Philosophy that is so prevalent today. You could not be the heir to Bill Gates as a child no matter how well he liked you for your behavior. The only way you will be his child and heir is through an adoption since you werent born his child. It is the same with God though Jesus Christ. That is why it is called The Good News. Have a Blessed Day my friends!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 11:31:55 +0000

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