My Response to British Prime MInister David Camerons Facebook - TopicsExpress


My Response to British Prime MInister David Camerons Facebook Update Again Imploring Scotland to Remain within the United Kingdom: Did it ever occur to anyone that you do not simply secede from the rest of the country over domestic squabbles? There is such a thing as a rule of law, and once our own attempts to appease both the North and South failed regarding slavery and the controversy over nullification, we fought a civil war to end the first scourge for human rights as well as returning the renegade states to the Union. We are a United States, and though every region of the nation is diverse and separate for all others, we stand united when it counts as one nation under God. Scotland has a parliament, but why not federalize Britain, to provide great autonomy for each of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to rule in accordance to each regions cultural values and faith-based norms? No one ever said that I support as a conservative from Tennessee what California does as the most left-leaning state in the nation, nor how Texas is the fastest growing economy in America as it now is luring major corporations into the state from the heavily-taxed Golden State? New York values what it has for decades, and for them, their people appear satisfied. Massachusetts is a thriving tech haven as well as the nations most concentrated area for higher education institutions. The South as a region is growing far faster both in population and because of our decision as the plebiscites to vote politicians into office who champion free enterprise and greater autonomy to run businesses as well as a less intrusive lifestyle from Nashville, the economy as well.Northerners are moving South because of this, and that is how you decide to voice your opposition. Either a people votes to oppose politicians they are a collective do not approve in favor of ones they do, or you can move to where opportunities are better. You do not simply grab your ball in anger and leave the rest of the nation behind out of a show of stubborn pride. Work it out and take up Parliament on its word to address a devolution of central authority to the government in Edinburgh as well as Wales, Northern Ireland and England. If you vote for independence, you will have a major crisis regarding your choice in currency since the Pound Sterling will no longer be an option and the Euro is for all intents and purposes, worthless. You will have to completely establish whether you want a fully-socialist economic and political infrastructure in which the Hegelian dialectic and your own political philosopher John Stuart Mill advocated as utilitarian mobilization of all vested manpower very quickly, or if you want a classically-liberal, conservative style cultural as espoused by your gifts to Western political thought, John Locke and Edmund Burke. To those of you in Scotland, please consider devolving, not independence. The growing pains will be akin to the fall of the Iron Curtain in Russia, which has still not recovered in full like Poland and Germany have. Scotland is a major reason I have always wanted to travel to the British Isles; it is one of my ancestral homes, after all. You have a beautiful country, breathtaking highlands and terrain, the Loch Ness and its myth of the monster of its deep abyss and of course, the links of St. Andrews, Royal Troon, etc., which comprise of the oldest PGA major tournament on the circuit in the Open Championship. You contribute so greatly to Britains tourism industry, and to me, the three areas I wish to visit one day are London, Liverpool due to my love of The Beatles, but of course, all of Scotland. Since you have the commonality with England, Wales and Northern Ireland as an anglophonic nation, it stands to bear that your heritage is not too different, but rather separate in its contributions. Take this to heart. You do not want to weaken the whole makeup of the British Isles to where your choice to gain independence worsens your situation rather than ever possibly breaking even.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 08:13:04 +0000

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