My Rhode Island Comic-Con trip So this weekend I went to my - TopicsExpress


My Rhode Island Comic-Con trip So this weekend I went to my first Rhode Island Comic Con and will probably not be returning to it anytime soon. Here is my story of the weekend. Saturday started off weird. It was freezing and raining and windy, the weather this weekend was absolutely horrible.We got to the con and saw two lines and wasnt sure which one to go on. None of the staff knew anything and we were just sitting there in the cold. Eventually the line we got on started to move and we got into the con after maybe 20 minutes. I was in a rush since I entered the cosplay contest and didnt want to miss the judging. When we made it past linecon (which omg it was such a stupid line that wrapped around the whole building) we entered into the convention area. It let out into photo ops with the cars which was such a stupid way for an entrance. It made a backup of entering since as soon as people entered theyd stop and pose with cars and block others from getting in. Super dumb floor plan by the con. Then you were forced to go into the dealers room which was crowded as all hell. Luckily two staffers helped me find the way out to go to the judging, they were the only competent staff the whole weekend. Once I got to the judging my nerves kicked in and I started to freak out. When it was my turn I think I blew it since I didnt talk about all the effort put into my costume as much as I wanted to and I just was nerves and it was horrible for me. Luckily the room also had the photographers that I knew so I went and got my photos done by them and then chilled with them for awhile to settle my nerves. I spoke to my friend who does videos for nerd caliber and even got to interview people. It was so much fun!! I kinda want to do it more. I cant wait to see if I did a good job interviewing. After that I started to feel sick so I kinda just sat around and suffered for a bit while my lovely boyfriend tried to take care of me. I debated about leaving the con and coming back but that was when I heard that once you left the con you couldnt get back. Now I was starting to panic since my stomach was feeling horrible and I didnt want to miss my opportunity to go on stage but I was really also really sick. After sitting and debating for a few hours I went back to the hotel after hearing that the walk on wouldnt be counted for score since so many people got locked out as well. I didnt win the contest but at this point I dont care. When we got to our hotel we saw our roommates and they couldnt even go at all to the con because they got locked out. We tried to all cheer up though and went out to dinner but that didnt really end well either. We all tried to keep in good spirits though and we had fun anyway. Sunday I got dressed as Kiki and started out okay. We were on the fence of going to the con though after we went to put our bags in the car. It was even colder and rainier then Saturday. On the way of packing the car my bf lost my favorite stuffed animal, my espurr. I was so upset and then just wanted to leave altogether. We got in the car to leave and somehow found him three blocks away soaking wet in the street. I was so happy I teared up and we got him safely into the car. He was fine, just wet. We continued to the con just to see and saw a line. We were not about to wait so we drove past and got behind a truck that wasnt moving. We decided to try the con just to at least say bye to our friends and went in. We got there and had to wait in the cold rain for awhile. It was freezing and not fun. We slowly started to move inside and got a bit warmer. After about an hour we were totally in the con and went to check out the room where the photographers were the previous day. When I got there, the rooms were locked and I asked staff where the cosplay photographers were. They replied by saying the cosplay contest isnt today. I was confused since that wasnt what I asked. So I asked them again and they said they were in photo ops with the celebs. I again told them I am looking for the photographer that were shooting in the room for COSPLAYERS and not GUESTS. They said they dont know and I was just amazed they even understood me that time. I have never met a dumber group of staff before. I understand you might not have the information but it shouldnt take me three times asking the same question before you understand me. Anyway, after I was annoyed by the stupidity we went to the dealers room since we didnt the day before. It was nice and I really enjoyed the variety in each section. As we walked around I got so many photos taken of my kiki cosplay. About 4 people told me I was a perfect kiki and the best they had ever seen. I was flabbergasted since it was such a simple costume and took next to nothing to do. We kept roaming around there and I got a ninetails print for our apartment and a miku figure and my 1978 Marvel Star Wars comic signed by Peter Mayhew (the original chewbacca) I was sooo excited and fangirling and he looked so happy to see the comic and went through every page and it was just awesome! We hung out with our friends who were there and got to see a few who I havent seen in awhile which was great. I got two photo shoots of Kiki done and my boyfriend got his beloved Magikarp plush signed by Veronica Taylor the voice actor for Ash Ketchum. They did have an issue today with how many people could be in the dealers room and stopped attendees from entering it as well as for about an hour or two stopped more people from entering the building AGAIN. Sunday was fun for the most part though. Even though I liked Sunday for the most part I still will not be going back to Rhode Island Comic Con. It was horribly planned and executed and needs better leadership before I will even think about visiting it again. On the other side though we stayed at the Biltmore hotel and HOLY GOD IT IS BEAUTIFUL. I want to go back to Providence just to stay there again and do a photoshoot in the hotel. It felt like walking into the Great Gatsby with its decor and I felt I was too poor to be there it looked so rich. The price was great though! I recommend it^^ Hope you guys enjoy my random review of Rhode Island Comic Con 2014
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:29:33 +0000

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