My STORY – HIS STORY A lot of people that were at my album - TopicsExpress


My STORY – HIS STORY A lot of people that were at my album launch messaged me after and told me that before that night they had never heard of me nor my music, and asked me my story. So today I will share about my Journey in music. want to inspire anybody whose dreams seem too big to accomplish. (its a bit lengthy) I was anointed and prophesied over in 1998 by Apostle Claude Brooks. I was age 10, 5 years after I began playing a miniature keyboard in my church. It wasnt even a Yamaha PSR keyboard (for those of you who know about humble beginnings lol), it was a CASIO. I remember him calling me Minister of Music and Psalmist. I wasnt even into singing then, and that particular Sunday I didnt sing. The only place I had ever heard worship leaders being called Psalmists was when I visited Love & Faith World Outreach Ministries for Camp Meeting. I used to see Psalmist Sean Sobers and I remember how much i used to admire this man and how he led people into the presence of God but i was always scared to talk to him after service ended. Then in 2000, Apostle James Duncan with a team of Prophets, including Damien Sneed who is renown in the USA and one of the musicians on Sunday Best. They were wowed by my playing at such a young age and again they laid hands on me and prophesied about me going to the nations, and called me Psalmist. By then I had had so many prophetic words spoken over my life about going to the nations, it was just rambling to me. Again i saw Psalmist Sean Sobers but this time i got a chance to play for him (yay!) This man gave me his number on 2 different occasions after that and i never called him. 1, I was scared that I wouldnt know what to say, and 2, my house didnt have a land phone nor a cell phone (yes, in those days the country side was now getting phones and everybody in the village had to go to that one persons house to use their phone) but every time I went to my drawer Id see his number on that piece of tissue. The following year I met Apostle Eulalee King who is now the wife of Apostle Gerhard Bals and for years she mentored me through the prophetic and helped me to perfect my gifting in prophesying and releasing unrehearsed songs in worship. I never could have imagined ever leaving this country to go anywhere to play much less sing. Then in 2007, years after all these prophesy stuff, someone came to Guyana and heard me, and flew me oversease. That was big for me and for the first time I began to give these countless prophetic words some consideration. Then in 2009 I finally met up with Psalmist Sobers again at (what was then) a little church in my village and I played for him while he led worship. Then is when I began to see how God had been pulling things together for me behind the scenes. One month after that night playing for Psalmist Sean, I was on a flight with him and wife, headed out of Guyana on ministry. That was epic. 2 months later again I was on a plane with him out again. Wherever we went, he would always make the people put a microphone at my keyboard so I can jump in and sing with him when I felt like. But really I didn’t care. I was just overjoyed that I was in a foreign land playing for the Psalmist. I remember on a flight back to Guyana after performing with him at Barbados Gospel Fest, he turned to me and said “Sammy, the grace of the psalmist is no longer in one place, its everywhere. And in days to come you and I will be doing the same thing, in different places and we’ll be crossing each other’s paths at airports.” I thought “pshhh… yea right. As if…” but its funny when people can see in you what you cannot yet see in yourself. But somehow I knew that a regular 9-5 job wasn’t my thing. Actually it was a 7-4 job I was flying back home to. A $28,000 a month job. The day I landed back in Guyana I typed up my resignation letter and took it to my boss. I think my parents were as confused as my boss was at my decision to quit. I decided that music was my thing and that I’d fly about the nations and play for Psalmist Sean. The only next time I left Guyana was 4 months after, on a boat over to Suriname. I was broke, jobless, and embarrassed at my decision to leave everything and pursue music. Plus Psalmist Sean’s sons Christian and Jeremy had begun to play instruments so he didn’t need me that much and before. (seasons people, seasons) I swallowed my pride and took all my savings and worked with my cousin Allan to complete Cross Carriers’ album RePresent Him… and the reception was major. Then is when I knew for sure that I was born for music. And then again, just when I was getting comfortable, Psalmist Sean called me again and said “Sammy, you need to do a solo album. There’s so much more in you that needs to come out.” I swallowed hard. Me? Doing music Alone? Standing on stage alone? What would people think? That I wanted to shine by myself or something? Hell no! But like a good mentor, he’d keep pushing me. And through a series of broke days, UG worries, another trip overseas, and people pouring their resources into my life, the Heart to Heart Project came into being in late November 2012. I barely had about 150 people at my album launch but God was just getting started with his script. After H2H was released, in one year God caused me to minister on every stage in Guyana that I had ever dreamed on standing on. Then when I thought wow, he wowed me again. I was invited to Love and Faith to sing one Sunday morning, and there is where the sing “In My Day” was birthed. # weeks later God had me on a plane to North America twice, then the British Territory, then to multiple islands in the Caribbean. I assigned myself Nickasi a manager and both she and I hit the books to learn how this management thing worked. Of course a lot of people made a scene of it and had a lot to say about how Christians shouldn’t have managers. I felt hurt, and the one day talking with Bishop Kwame Gilbert and venting my frustrations, he said “Sammy. Don’t worry with them, that’s just noise. Filter it out and do what you see as necessary to preserve your ministry and further your career”… and I did just that. I was shocked more than anyone else at my second album launch this time, at the amount of support I received. God blows minds and makes crooked paths straight… and imagine the story of my life is not even done. All glory goes to him. I should write a book lol. I hope this blesses you.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 15:12:42 +0000

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