My Salvation Testimony - Part 7 (Conclusion) The next Sunday, - TopicsExpress


My Salvation Testimony - Part 7 (Conclusion) The next Sunday, I went to that big Baptist church and got scripturally baptized. By the way, I did not just hop from the Catholic denomination to the “Baptist” denomination. I got “saved”. I had become a “born again” Christian. This happened before I ever had any intentions of joining a “Bible-believing” Baptist church. (This also happened before I ever met my wife.) The next week, I visited my parents and told them that I was saved and knew that I was going to Heaven when I die. (I thought that they would want to get saved so they could know that too.) Their reaction was not positive. Mom challenged me: “How prideful! Who do you think you are?” I told her: “Oh no! You don’t understand. It’s not because of me that I am going to Heaven. I deserve to go to Hell. It’s because of Jesus, and what He did for me on the cross. He’s the one who paid for my sins. He gets all of the credit and glory. I’ve just finally believed that He would do what He promises to do.” At first, they thought that I was just going through another phase. Then they were very angry when they found out that I had left the Catholic Church. (They felt like this was the proverbial slap in the face.) Please understand; I loved my parents now more than ever before and did not want to hurt them. I wanted to see them get saved and go to Heaven. By the way, I love all Catholics, but I can’t change the Bible truths about salvation just to keep from hurting their feelings. Needless to say, our family relationship had been strained for many years. It wasn’t until eighteen years later, about six months after my dad had died, that God gave me a real blessing. My mom came to visit and we had a long talk about the past. In our conversation, the subject came up about when I got saved. Then she said something that I will cherish forever. She told me: “Dad and I both knew that a real miracle had happened to you.” So, at least they couldn’t deny what God had done in my life. It has been many years since that 7th day of March in 1977, and not once have I ever regretted that decision of trusting Jesus Christ to save me. I don’t claim to be perfect, but thanks to Him, I’ve been saved from Hell, and am not what I used to be. My only disappointments have been when family, friends, and others, do not even consider, or carelessly neglect this wonderful free gift of “everlasting salvation” that Jesus offers to them. Dear Reader, if you have not yet completely trusted Jesus Christ alone to save you forever; please trust Him today. Don’t wait until you die. Then it will be too late! Just admit to Him that you are a helpless sinner, and with a believing heart ask Him to save your soul from Hell, once, forever. The moment you do, He will come to live within you and promises to never leave you. (And you won’t ever have to ask Him again) Then you will KNOW that you are going to Heaven when you die. (You won’t be just hoping so.) “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (I John 5:13) Jesus and I want to see you in Heaven!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:33:43 +0000

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