My Savior, I feel angry and hurt right now. I feel a major - TopicsExpress


My Savior, I feel angry and hurt right now. I feel a major violation of trust. I feel confusion. I feel profound sadness. I want to cry. I want to yell. I know that no one understands betrayal more deeply than You, O God. Jesus Christ took on the form of humanity to redeem us our sins, and He experienced the full measure of betrayal, even from His closest friends who turned from Him in his hour of need. I bring this situation and lay it before You. If my friend asks for forgiveness Im not sure I feel able to do it right now, but I will obey. If they desire a relationship to continue, I ask for the wisdom to know if that is beneficial and the grace to do whatever You would have me do. Thank You, Savior God. You are a faithful friend in all moments of life. Thank You for guarding my heart from negativity. I pray that any anger, malice, and wrath would be removed from my heart. I know You are all-seeing and all knowing, and you know the situation. In Jesus wonderful name. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 22:46:19 +0000

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