My Son, the aliens teach you that God created the soul, and we say - TopicsExpress


My Son, the aliens teach you that God created the soul, and we say this is not so. The soul is an integral part of God and all souls were created when God created itself. The soul exists simply because God exists. The soul, like God, has no reason for existing, niether has it any reason for not existing. One can niether deny nor prove the existence of a soul..... But listen very carefully now, my Son, for your Spiritual foster-mother will tell you moor secrets witch you must pass on to future generations of the the Chosen. A human being, and an animal, has something else in addition to the soul, witch exists within him. We can call this something else a self. When a child is born, it does not possess a self.* The self builds up slowly of the memories and thoughts and the experiences as it grows up into a man or a woman. If you were to see your Ena you would find that it looks exactly like you, but it is not of flesh-and-blood; it is a ghost of transparent mist. When you see what many fools think is a ghost of departed person, you do not see the soul, but that persons Ena. Ena is not immortal; it lives on for some time after death of the body, and can often be seen. It is this the High Witchdoctor summons up from the land of the spirits, and this is what we honour and consult in times of trouble to pray to the gods for us. An Ena must eat to grow and live, the same as you must eat to grow and live. While you live you eat for both your body and for your Ena, but when you die your Ena will also die unless it can continue to eat. If we do not sacrifice cows and goats regularly so that the Enas of these animals can go to feed our ancestors spirits, they will go into a state on non- existence.+ It is therefore very important that we make these sacrifices regularly. Our ancestors spirits must remain alive because we must regularly ask their advice about problems we encounter, and they must take our problems and plead for us with the gods - just as the common people must have the Indunas who can plead for them with the chiefs. Listen very well, my son - listen with all your soul and with all your heart for I am now going to tell you something that is of the utmost importance. When a baby is born, it is born with only a body, a mind and a soul, but not with an Ena. The Ena grows like a flower as the child grows and is formed and norished by the experiences of the growing child. It is shaped by the childs own character and also the characters of those whom the child chooses to imitate, such as a parent or a tribal hero. The Ena rides across the lake of time on the Soul, just as a man rides in a cnoe. However, both the soul and the Ena (character is a combination of the two) are always a few days ahead of the body. I shall explain this moor clearly: All living things that are of the flesh-and-blood are outdistanced in the race across the lake of Time by those things that are spirit, sucha as souls and Enas. An these go through experiences first, witch afterwards overtake the body. For instance, if a man is going to fall victim of an accident in one or two days time, the soul and the Ena are the first to fall victim of that accident. And when this happens the soul sends a warning to the body through mind, in the form of a premonition or a dream. The reason many people are killed, in spite of the warnings they get from their Enas in the form of forebodings or dreams, is that their bodies are untrained in the essential oart of co-operating closely with their souls and Enas. As you already know, this is the first thing we teach witchdoctors. Animals co-operate perfectly with their Enas, and nowhere is found better proof of this than among the little birds. No matter how well you hide yourself in the bushes a bird will know of your presence and your intentions long before he has seen you. It is this Ena that is known by the ignorant common people as the spirit of the dead person,: and witch the strangers from beyond the seas falsely believe that we worship. In fact, far from our worshipping the so-called spirits of our ancestors, it is these ancestral spirits who worship us. We who combine flesh, mind, soul, Ena, and life, are much moor fortunate than the Enas of those who are dead. Although the Ena is a spirit, it is niether immortal nor indestructible; in the land of Forever-Night where all Enas go after death,k the Ena is the most helpless thing in all creation. As you know, nothing grown in the cold deserts that are the land of Forever-Night, and there the gods allot each Ena a given length of time in witch to continue existing. If, at the end of that period, none of the relatives has sacrificed a cow or a goat, it goes into a state on no-being. Enas must continue to eat the Enas of the animals they used to eat when still with the people in whose bodies they were formed. this is why it is so important that all your forefathers Enas should continually be nourished by the Enas of the cows and goats you slaughter in their name. In return for this kindness they intercede with the Gods on your behalf, and the Gods give you wealth and luck in everything you do, and they also keep enemies from the threshold of your life. To keep the Enas of his ancestors alive is the greatest and most important duty a man has in life. ---Excerpt Indaba, My Children; African Folk Tales by Baba Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa amazon/Indaba-My-Children-African-Folktales/dp/0802136044 *It can also be interpreted that the Spirit of a departed will live only for as long as the descendants pay their homage, even in thoughts alone; the sacrifices merely ensure that such homages are conscientiously paid. +Self is the exact equivalent of the Bantu Ena. Myself is Mi-Ena, normally shortened to Mina.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:05:18 +0000

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