My Soul , My Life(Episode25) Written By :Tumelo Sizwes phone - TopicsExpress


My Soul , My Life(Episode25) Written By :Tumelo Sizwes phone rings ( just lights flashes no sound/vibration), Ebile the Consultant ofela pelo. Asa fela Pelo... Jessica: Sizwes phone hello!! Consultant: Helo can I speak to Sizwe? Im Dineo from Vuma... (Cuts in) Jessica: :o Oh let me give this phone to Sizwe... ( o thiba phones mic) darling ba founile batho bako Vuma. Sizwe: Huh :o ? ... Sizwe here hello? Dineo: Hi! Sizwe is Dineo from Vuma Engineering Co. Sizwe: :o oh yes yes! Dineo: We tried to call you but your phone was rude to us by sending us straight to voicemail. Sizwe: Oh sorry about that :/ I had battery problem. Dineo: Ohk. With no waste of time can you avail yourself at our offices to collect your suits and be on duty tomoro morning @ 7am? Sizwe: :o yes ofcause :) . Dineo: ohk.. Ask to see madam Sebetja definately shell help you from there. Sizwe: no problem thanx :D . :) Smile was the only thing that could tell gore Sizwe was back to life, after he had break down ya maikutlo. That night Sizwe slept with one eye open :v making sure gore a latelwe. Ka nnete in the morning when he gets to the office the mentioned woman assisted him, definately atsena spaneng :D . Ko spaneng Supervisor was a white guy leina la gagwe ele Graig. On the 1st day ko spaneng he was impressed about the way Sizwe ne ale energetic, from there they became friends to extent were Graig could just invite Sizwe for a lunch over wekends le Jessica :D . Now Sizwe is working earning more than 6K (R6000) monthly ;) .Jessica she h :) ppy le yena otswela pele ka sgela ko TUT vele yonke into e reg :D . Mazibuko Asa romela Sizwe Zaka via gore Wa spana but now hes sending more for Jessica. Gogo leyena Nou Sizwe omo Romela R1OOO ka kgwedi ;) . One of the bigger days after 2months Sizwe a spana okopana le Kwena. Sizwe: Ahh Lacoste :) . Kwena: Eh Sizwe :/ . Sizwe: :o smoko? Why okar awa gluwa (happy) ? Kwena: ever since ospana aosa founa o jintile . Sizwe: :/ aowa ska bolela bjalo mei chomi kante keng? Aker neke zama gogo founela fone yagago aespane , ene leko rumung ya gago aosale gona :/ . Kwena: Eish dirakile :/ . Sizwe: :o dirakile? Ka eng ? Kwena: ke thutse motho ko Moletjie ka Skorokoro sa uncle a khawatega leoto. So nekele ko ntlwana darkness for 6weeks kenale beke le matsatsi ke ka montle.& thats why fone yaka ne esa spane. Sizwe: :o aowa mon are you serious? Kwena: yah mfethu so mara keyo seka in two weeks time :/ . Esan* when Sizwe remember gore he got the job via Kwena ne ale mahlokong :/ .The Time Kwena ayo seka Sizwe made plans to get Kwena a lawyer, adira dikoloto to get his friend a good lawyer. :) even though Kwena ne ahloka Drivers Licence they just sentence him gore a spane ko drop in centre yako kasi for 3 months aeya twice a week. Kwena: :) :) Sizwe monna othushitse ka nnete . Sizwe: youre my man boss. & anyway lets give credits to God :D . Ai vele Kwena was happy for wat Sizwe done to since Sizwe adirile dikoloto swanetse a patele R2000 for 3months to cover that. Aowa Jessica leyena ne athabile ge Sizwe a thushitse a good friend ;) . 1month later... Is late kabo 7pm Jessica massages Sizwe ofetsa boya merekong, Ebile okar Sizwe otla robala ajele Cookie :v . Phone rings... Sizwe: Graig :) Graig: Hey Sizwe :D Sizwe: wasup!! Dude :D . Graig: on top of the world buddy :D ,, er im calling to inform you dude that upgrading of Power Station is getting done in a week time. Sizwe: oh yeah so we will start with Electricity installation program at Moletjie :) . Graig: yeah pity we wont need 80 people anymore but 50. So 30 workers will lose their jobs , & from the list I saw today after work you not appearing to be moving with us to the next project as a worker. Sizwe: :o :o oreng kenale dikoloto so ? Graig: :o what did you say? More on 26th Episode tomoro 9pm All Rights Reserved2014 #9t_SA #TDK * Missed you guys :D ;) * (For the L
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:58:00 +0000

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