My Story For those who know me, you are well aware of my medical - TopicsExpress


My Story For those who know me, you are well aware of my medical issues and scepticism for any natural remedy. However I can happily say I have been absolutely proven wrong and my life has now changed for the better. I have suffered thyroid disease for 15 years since I was 21 with an underactive thyroid that continually makes me tired, slow metabolism and struggle with my weight. For those with a thyroid issue you know it’s no normal tired, its body weary, I’ll sleep anywhere tired. I take my Dr prescribed Oroxine however my thyroid levels still fluctuate and we could never get the balance right. I also have anxiety especially when it comes to taking any medication, prescribed or otherwise into my body. In 2012 I was blessed with a surprise baby and after her birth I could never shake the baby weight or feel energised. I would wake up tired. I then came across this new product called Plexus Slim advertised on Facebook. Being the sceptic that I am, I didn’t take much notice. Then I began seeing it more frequently and I was starting to become very depressed with my tiredness and just not enjoying my baby like I should. That’s when I began some independent research online, reading unbiased views, researching the ingredients and trying to weigh up if this product could finally be the one that helps me. (As I have tried so many other programs, shakes, meal plans, all with the same outcome, lose some weight feel a bit better but always revert back to the same issues). Another issue that stopped me from jumping in was the way Plexus Slim is sold. If you know me I am not into any marketing product scheme, I’m just a humble teacher, but one day I was able to sample this product at a marketing stall. It was tasty not like a milkshake and it wasn’t a meal replacement. So with a few more questions for an ambassador page like mine and the guarantee of 60day money back guarantee I purchased my first 30 day pack. Well what did I have to lose, only this weight and tiredness? It was a win win. The first week on Plexus Slim I noticed only small changes, no movement on the scales for me but I wanted to drink more water. (This was great as I was a Coke Zero addict). Into the second week I noticed a definite improvement in my tiredness. I didn’t need to lie down when my daughter was having her afternoon nap and I was not snacking at all. My weakness has always been savoury food and of course chocolate. My craving for my salt n vinegar Smith’s chips, flake chocolates and my beloved coke zero had not only waned, it had disappeared. I lost 1kg on the scales and my clothes felt looser. By the third week I loved drinking my Plexus Slim followed by a couple bottles of water during the day; my energy is fantastic and I felt great. Now no longer too tired to exercise I head down to the YMCA and do aqua aerobics twice a week. I eat exactly what I prepare for my family of five except I am not piling my plate as I feel not as hungry anymore. At the end of my 30day Plexus Slim I knew my life had changed for the better and this product does work for me. I’m reenergised, feel calmer, I have no sugar cravings (although I still love my chocolate and chips I don’t eat it like I was) and I crave water. I lost 4kg on the scales and over 10centimetres in 30 days. I was worried I would not be able to afford Plexus Slim however what I’m no longer purchasing in coke Zero I can put towards feeling amazing! If you have not heard about this before it is because it is very new and was originally marketed towards Type 2 diabetics however when the realisation of the other positive side effects occurred in most people, this new campaign began. I encourage you to look into this yourself if you have experienced any of the issues I have, check out the research and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. I’m creating this page and promoting this to help others as I know firsthand how debilitating health issues can be. I said to my husband just the other day I would drink my Plexus regardless of any other benefits just to have the energy I have now. We all know life is just too short to not to live it to its fullest.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:09:17 +0000

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