My Story I was 15... My dads large intestine had been busted - TopicsExpress


My Story I was 15... My dads large intestine had been busted open for a year and gangrene had set in, the doctors had no idea how he was still alive, my mom was the strongest women I knew... I didnt understand how serious that was at the time... Thank you god for saving my dads life... I was 16... It was 3Am and my brother Cody shook me to wake me up just to tell me mom has had a massive heart and stroke at the same time... I remember sitting down in my white jacket with the blue sleeves not knowing whats going on or what to think. I see vomit all through the house... We rush to the hospital, my mother flatlines before we arrive... She was gone... God brought her back after the 4Th time of being shocked with the defibrillator.... She was rushed to a bigger hospital... I was only 16... I was just a young kid... she ends up passing away after weeks of doing better... I thought she was coming home... Thats what I was told, the day before she passes away she mumbles dont cry Im going to be alright, keep getting good grades, stay focused and keep singing. The day of her funeral I was broken. I smiled knowing she was in a better place but I was destroyed knowing she was never coming back. She was everything. I still cry to this day. I miss those nights we would sing in the living room into the karaoke mic... I wont ever give up. I do this for them.. Both of my parents mean everything to me. Now you know.. Reasoning on why music keeps me happy, I cant stop. I thank god for those who support. Just a little Facebook post about my feelings back to work.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:03:48 +0000

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