My Sunday assessment after reading news: These are facts: 1.)$1 - TopicsExpress


My Sunday assessment after reading news: These are facts: 1.)$1 trillion of Treasury and mortgage bonds a year (85 billion per month ) are being purchased by our government and we are increasing Money supply (printing money) at the same time. This is like eating your waste for dinner and calling it Ruth Chris. 2.) We are a stupid society, we listen to media and political clips and call it scripture. In my opinion the solution is two fold: A) we need to eliminate political parties (Republican and Democrats labels divide). B). We need to work on educating and teaching individual to be free and independent thinking. when people are educated and seek information they can make informed decision verses flowing like blind sheep. MLK fought for education for minorities yet my "category race" Hispanic like blacks remain the lesser educated population. Then we complain about wages but offer no additional skills to substantiate increase pay. Education is not just in schools its in trades and service sectors where small business starts up take root. Every Sunday i read news papers and economic related studies and it baffles me. At the Micro level our the foundation is broken yet we talking about recovery. People (Human capital) is depreciating because of the failures at the basic level. Education, employment, and safe /sound environments are falling victim to erosion of morals and ethics that made this country great. When we the PEOPLE ( not BROWN BLACK YELLOW & WHITE) start finding the value in coming together to strategies and formulate inclusive policy that promotes Commerce, Education,Self reliance,& Efficient government then the turn will start. The foundation does start with free Commerce and effective Education.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 15:25:23 +0000

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