My Sunday in Plains Wow, no traffic in Atlanta; so this is what - TopicsExpress


My Sunday in Plains Wow, no traffic in Atlanta; so this is what 5:40 AM on a spring forward Sunday looks like. Only 10 minutes to Peter, instead of the usual 20, means I am only 7 minutes late. I am due there now ... ah, yes, there is the text ... Awake? On your way? Yes. 4:52 (I hadnt changed my car clock yet.) He is in a suit. Cool. My church dress ensemble makes sense. The lack of traffic feels a little Zombie Apocalpyse-ish; its wonderful! The drive down and entire morning are covered so thoroughly, so beautifully and so well by Peter, that I have little to add except: Thank you for driving most of the way there and all the way back. I am glad we took my car because it was built for road trips. I am glad you did the driving, even though I made the offer because you were holding onto a strap looking frightened. Blue skies, crisp air, pastoral beauty, my first time in church in over a decade- and no lightning strikes!, a pant leg to rest an arm on and a hand on my shoulder were nice alternatives to pinching for reality confirmation. It was idyllic Mayberry at its best. The Secret Service experience was a major adrenalin rush; It will make my next Bourne film viewing even more exciting. The extremes made for an intense and memorable morning. .............. The afternoons gear change was significant. My diner lunch was roast beef, butter beans, broccoli casserole, corn bread, peach cobbler-and my Arnold Palmer: 1/2 unsweetened tea and 1/2 lemonade. It was welcome after only a banana and apple for breakfast. No time for coffee; thank goodness for the energy bump induced by a bomb sniffing dog, all over wanding and the sight of tightly wound federal agents. For me, the kinder, gentler very personal Plains time began when Rosalynn put her arm around my back and responded to my thanks for her service and appreciation for her welcoming us there with We are glad to have you, yall should come back. (These are Seriously down-to-earth, nice people.) It doesnt matter your politics, its restorative in a powerful way, as a citizen of this country, and a citizen of the world to know these well-intentioned, generous people are representing us. The good works associated with Habitat for Humanity, vetting democratic elections around the world, working to eradicate Guinea worm in South Africa, her work on behalf of mental and elder health issues ... the list goes on and on ... The entire presidency, and the politics surrounding it and President Carters Governorship, could be left off the list entirely and their contributions to humanity would remain head and shoulders above 99.9 % of most persons. It hasnt been mentioned, but I think its worth noting, that there was no charge for anything connected to our visiting and sightseeing. Of course lunch, ice cream and souvenirs were purchased, but other than the small offering both of us added to the collection plate, the Carters in no way financially benefited for their time and attention. The museum, farm and campaign headquarters are all National Park Service run and free of charge. It was a long line for the photo. That couple of 67 years willingly stands and graciously greets each and every person or group or family that come for Sunday School, allowing a smiling photo and an up close experience. No $500 plate of chicken or check to the DNC or any other remuneration was charged or expected. This is America and everyone has a right to add to their bank account and support their projects as they see fit ... but a man and woman, 89 and 88 years of age, choosing to spend some of their Sunday morning time for the sheer benefit of the public at large is quite moving. I could go on ... The weather was perfect, sunny and warm. I got to pet a 2000 lb. mule. The newly green grass and moss were irresistible to my Kentucky girl barefeet. (My NYC companion kept his shoes on.) Just before we headed back, the discovery of the dog tombstone just outside the 76 campaign headquarters, and prominent in the dead center of town, seemed to buffet Peters view of the all-around goodness of the town :) That was a fun last moment. If either of our accounts in any way inspire you to consider making the trek, please Do! (That rabbits not getting any younger ;) It was an all around swell day :D
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:16:24 +0000

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