My Sweet America... My sweet hold my future in - TopicsExpress


My Sweet America... My sweet hold my future in your hands. You hold the future of us all interwoven into an intricate fabric of hopes and dreams. My sweet are a beautiful child beget through long hours of labor and pained memories best forgotten; but remembered. You have fought adversity, stood together in triumph, respected the religion of your neighbor, fought your Brother on principle, and declared, United We Stand! in unison throughout. My sweet are so much greater than the United States that make up your foundation and give you strength. You are an idea, a vision, a goal of Man of Liberty and Freedom for all that all of Mankind should follow. My sweet that you are growing, I hold you in my prayers. Although you stand with strength and dignity, you are fragile and fumbling. I have stood for you and defended your intentions despite the convictions of my soul...although, I have sacrificed little. Ive seen you wreck lives as well as perform miracles. But; each time, it was surely us that let you down or made you proud. I ask that you continue to look for the good in the world while providing us all with the opportunity to live life to the fullest under your Blessed grace and protection. My sweet America...forget not that upon which you were founded...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And, never forget the slave whispering in your ear...all power is fleeting. My sweet America...let us move ahead, together. With understanding of and compassion for our Brothers and Sisters...we can change the world. We have. Or, we can allow the darkness of hopelessness and despair extinguish the light shining brightly from the souls that give and have given you breath. My sweet America, I love you...but, I am not afraid to correct you where I see need and; prayerfully, where our Father God would want. I pray you hear with humility and act in earnest to correct your ways and live the example you were meant to. I pray we hear your cry of hope and lift our flags to fulfill our destiny in you. My sweet are much too big to rest solely on my word...but, rest on the words of many and, God Bless America! -- Steven R. Boyd (edited from note My Sweet America... posted earlier)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:57:10 +0000

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