My Testimony I have a friend. Shes 80yrs old. A few yrs ago she - TopicsExpress


My Testimony I have a friend. Shes 80yrs old. A few yrs ago she was diagnosed with hyperthyroid. Your thyroid sits just under your adams apple & above your collar bone. It produces hormones that affect every cell in the body. Hyperthyroid is when its over producing. She had a portion of her thyroid removed. Then another portion removed. Now she has ½ a thyroid remaining. This is a common treatment for hyperthyroid; less ‘over active thyroid’, less overactivity. Another option is cancer treatment-radiation, aimed at killing part or all of the thyroid. If its decided that all of the thyroid should be destroyed(radiation or surgically removed), then the patient will be placed on a lifetime of medications that duplicate the function. Anyway, two surgeries & all is good for a while but whatever was causing the hyperactivity stopped & went back to normal but now normal isnt enough because theres only ½ a thyroid. Now instead of hyper-thyroid, she has hypo-thyroid(under production of hormones) as a result, she gained about 100lbs, got high blood pressure, lack of energy…also got goiter(inflammation of the thyroid). Her’s was almost the size of a tennis ball on the right side of her neck. Medical solution? Another surgery. Remove the whole thing & put her on medication. In the mist of all this, she also had carpal tunnel which led to arthritis. Surgery in both hands, took 4 bones out of each hand. Scars on both hands keloided. She received 6 or 7 shots along the length of each keloid every 3mo to keep it in check. Fingers, hands, wrists & forearms swollen. She’s scheduled for an appointment to discuss surgery in March 2015. I started working with her. She stopped eating fried foods Coffee Soda Fast foods Junk foods Refined foods like sugar & flour Processed foods like hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, TV dinners, canned foods, Now she eats lots of fruit & veggies, not so much starch, meat about twice a wk. She drinks ½ her body weight in oz. of water. She did a detox & is receiving therapy weekly. Results: in a month’s time, noticeable difference in her fingers, hands, wrists & forearms-swelling gone. Keloids gone…even looks like scars might go away. Her goiter is going away. Pain in her neck & hands are gone. Blood pressure was ‘160 something’ over ’80 something’. Now it’s 126/75. So far, she has lost 10lbs. She has her energy back. When she goes back to the Dr. In March(we still have 2mo of work), she’s not going to need thyroid surgery & I cant wait to hear what the Drs. have to say. I keep putting it out there. This isnt fairytales or make believe. Im not crazy or delusional. Its like we’re all under a spell & we’re not seeing the truth. This isnt crackerjack medicine…its real.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:36:11 +0000

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