My Testimony Last year i somehow got salmonella poisoning. - TopicsExpress


My Testimony Last year i somehow got salmonella poisoning. The salmonella caused my intestines to bleed. I lost alot of blood. I got dehydrated within minutes causeing my heart not to beat correctly, it didnt have quite enough blood to pump through it, I almost died before i got to the hospital. after 24 hours of my intestines bleeding, i got sepsis in my blood. Sepsis kills most people who get it. After a couple days they desided to give me a PIC~PORT, ( the pic port went in through my right arm vein and stopped millimeters from my heart ) in which they would administer 9 of the strongest antibiotics known to man, as well as give me the much needed fluids, and nutrients i needed. After day 5 i was so sick i couldnt move, alll the while i prayed to Jesus to heal me, the Doctors called in my family, they didnt think I would make it through the night, but i did. ( I kept Praying). day 7 i was released to go home,.. this was my first miracle :) Now my story begins... the day after i was home from the hospital, my right arm felt dead, it hurt. So i went back to see my doctor here in town, she examined my right arm and armpit, then she asked me how much gas do you have in your car? I said 1/2 tank,, why? she said i have your sisters number, i want you to go back to Bolivar hospital,,, and hurry. So I did. Once there they was waiting on me, they immeadiately took me inside and give my right arm a ultrasound, in which they found an 8 inch bloodclot in my right armpit. The doctor told me if it moved i would die within minutes,, I ran to the bathroom and cried. then someone knocked on the bathroom door,, it was my doctor, she come inside and hugged me and told me dont worry, TRUST GOD ( thats 1). My sister and family arrieved next, i was very scared, my sister hugged me and said dont worry, trust God ( thats 2).. the doctor showed me how to inject my belly with blood thinners,.. and told me to take a blood thinner also by mouth, there was nothing else he could do, so i talked to my husband and sister and decided to go to Springfield hospital. Once there, i was seen and the doctors said we need to do more testing to make sure there isnt any other clots in your body. ( i was still scared and crying) so while i was waiting,, a lady come into my room to empty the trashcans,, she loked at me and she said,, dont worry honey,, TRUST GOD, ( thats 3).. so then a young man come to get me to take me upstairs to necleur medicine, on the way there he put his hand on my shoulder and he said,... I think I need to tell you dont worry, but TRUST GOD! ( thats 4).. I replied but i do trust God. so upstairs they injected me with necleur medicines, which made me even more afraid,.. i noticed the young doctor was playing K_love , I said,, that comforts me and he smiled at me... and He said dont worry,, Trust God! ( thats 5) while the machine was scanning my body i decided to pray. I told God that i do trust him... and please heal me. then they took me back into the emergency room and put me on my bed. The doctor come in and said i olny had the 1 , 8 inch bloodclot and told me to take the shots and medicine,, he put a sling on my arm and said dont move it for any reason, because if the bloodclot moves,, you will only have a few minutes... I asked him if he was a Christian, he said yes, I said I am here at the hospital,, cant you save my life if it moves? He looked at me and said listen,.. If you live,, or if you die, thats between you and God, because there is nothing i can do for you. then He said i am sorry, and sent me home to be comfortable. so while i was waiting to be dismissed,... I prayed again.... i said,, God I am scared, please heal me. Then i heard God speak to me, He said,, My child, it is not the doctors i have sent to help you, but it is I who holds your breath. Trust me. ( at that moment I knew exactly what He was saying to me) there was a gap in my trust for Him. Then he said JUMP. I said yes sir and i closed my eyes and spiritually jumped off of an imaginary cliff, and He caught me in his hands.) ok,, so for 4 months I made myself trust God. I was still afraid,, even too afraid to sleep thinking the clot would move while I slept,... I prayed all the time.. and I tried to pretend to my family i wasnt worried when i was. I was wore down, crippled by the fear of dying, even though i knew if i died i would be with Jesus. One day,, i was home alone, depressed, tired of living in constant fear, constant pain, and i didnt understand why God didnt heal me. I was so wore down, that i was ready to meet Jesus. The day before i had another ultrasound and the 8 inch bloodclot was still there. I had a feeling to read Mark 11:24,, basically it says,, as you pray,.. ask, then same prayer recieve, then thank , then God will do for you. this time i understood it differently. So.. I got down on my knees.... I had decided, If i was gonna die,, i would be with Jesus, and if i was gonna live,, then i would live for Jesus with no fear of anything. so i cried unto my Lord, and i said Please take this bloodclot from me,, i dont want it anymore, and if you wont take it,, then let me come home, and i took off my armsling, and i raised my arm up to Jesus to recieve just as the bible told me. Immeadiately my arm hurt more than ever before, and im my mind,, i heard ( ya see? it hurts so much because its moving and now your gonna die) Immeadiately i said out loud,, No Im not! You Get away from me Satan for I belong to Jesus! Then i thanked Jesus for healing me, even though it was still hurting. Immeadiately the pain left and I KNEW what had just happened!! God gave me another miracle! so i cried harder this time just thanking him over and over,... I called my sister,, i called my doctor and i told her God just healed me, no one believed me, so i told my doctor i wanted another ultrasound. she scheduled it for the next day.... The next day, i told the ultrasound technichian God healed me, she said ok,... and smiled,.. so she began the ultrasound, she added more goop, and kept searching,.. then she said to me,, i think my machine is broken,,, i cant find the bloodclot that was here 2 days ago,... I just laughed and said of course not,,, its not there anymore!! 3 months later i fell and broke my knee, after 2 days Jesus gave me yet another miracle healing..
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 04:07:21 +0000

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